State tax or unemployment ID is incorrect on payroll tax forms
  • In the case the number still seems incorrect after verifying with the state, there’s an ellipsis (...) that you can choose
  • Choosing this option will give you alternate formats that can be used to enter this number
  • If the format is still incorrect, contact CPA

Verify your tax account number with your state department of revenue.

 CAUTION: The Federal Employment Identification Number (FEIN) should never be edited in the Company Information section to reflect the State Unemployment Insurance (SUI) number. Properly formatted tax account numbers are required for W-2 and year-end forms. 

To change the tax account number:

  1. Click Reports & Forms, Forms, Tax Forms.
  2. Double-click Payroll Tax Forms.
  3. Open any tax form.
  4. If a form instructions window appears, click OK.
  5. Click Edit, Company Setup.
  6. Click Next until at the State & Local Tax Items screen.
  7. To edit State Tax Items or Local Tax Items details, select the item, then click Edit.
  8. Change the Tax account number to the correct account number (see the table below for acceptable state formats).
  9. Click OK.
  10. Repeat Steps 7-9 for other items as needed.
  11. Click Next twice to save the changes.

See the table below for more information on the acceptable formats for each state:

State WH Account Number Format Formatting help UI Account Number Format Formatting help
AK N/A N/A 0001234567 [1st 3 digits are 000] The 1st 3 digits are 000
AL 0234567890 or R123456789 [First digit must be either 0 or R] First digit must be 0 or R 1234567890 None
AR 12345678-WHW [Last 3 digits must be WHW] The last 3 digits must be WHW 000456789 [1st 3 digits are 000 or 200] The 1st 3 digits are 000 or 200
AZ 12-1234567 [FEIN] FEIN 1234567 or 1234567-1 None
CA 123-1234-1 None 123-1234-1 None
CO 12345678, 1234567890001 None 123456.12-1 None
CT 1234567-000, 12345678-000, 1234567-001, or 12345678-001 [Last 3 digits must be 000 or 001] The last 3 digits must be 000 or 001 12-123-12 None
DC 3000000123456 or 300100123456 [the 1st 6 digits should be 300000 or 300100] [1st 6 digits should be 300000 or 300100] 123 123 None
DE 1-123456789-123 [1st digit must be 1. The next 9 digits will be the same as FEIN. The last 3 digits must be 001 through 009]

The 1st digit must be 1. The next 9 digits will be the same as FEIN.

The last 3 digits must be 001 through 009

12345-1 None
FL N/A N/A 1234567-1 or 1234567 None
GA 1234567-AB None 123456-12 None
HI W1234568-01 or W1234568-02 or W1234568-03 or W1234568-04 [Last 2 digits must be 01, 02, 03 or 04] [Last 2 digits must be 01, 02, 03 or 04] 4567890 None
IA 12-1234567001 [Last 3 digits must be 001 through 009] The last 3 digits must be 001 through 009 003456-1 The 1st 2 digits are 00
ID 3456789   4567890 None
IL 12-1234567 000 or 12-1234567 001 [1st 9 digits same as FEIN. Last 3 digits 000 or 001] 1st 9 digits same as FEIN. Last 3 digits 000 or 001 1234567-1 or 1234567 None
IN 0123456789-001 or 0123456789-901 [First digit must be a 0. The last 3 digits need to be 001 through 009] First digit must be a 0. The last 3 digits need to be 001 through 009 123456 or 123456A None
KS 036-123456789F-01, 036-A12345678F-01, 036-K12345678F-01 [1st 3 digits must be 036. The last 2 digits should be 01 through 09]

The 1st 3 digits must be 036. The last 2 digits should be 01 through 09

123456 or 1234567 None
KY 123456 None 00 123456 1 or 00 123456A1 The 1st 2 digits are 00
LA 1234567001, 1234567002, or 1234567003 [Last 3 digits must be 001, 002 or 003] The last 3 digits must be 001 123456 1 None
MA WTH-12345678-123 or PWH-12345678-123 None 12-12345-1 None
MD 12345678 None 0034567890 [1st 2 digits are 00] The 1st 2 digits are 00
ME 12-123456700, 12-123456701, 12-123456790, or 12-123456791 [FEIN followed by 00, 01, 90 or 91] FEIN followed by 00, 01, 90 or 91 1234567001 [Last 3 digits must be 001 through 009] The last 3 digits must be 001 through 009
MI 12-1234567 or AB-1234567 None 1234567 None
MN 1234567 None 00345678-0000 [1st 2 digits are 00 to 09. The last 4 digits are 0000 to 0009] The 1st 2 digits are 00 to 09. The last 4 digits are 0000 to 0009
MO 12345678 None 12-12345-0-00 or 12-12345-1-12 [Last 3 digits are 000 or None] [Last 3 digits are 000 or None]
MS 1234-5678 None 12-12345-0-00 [Last 3 digits always 0-00] The last 3 digits are always 0-00
MT 1234567890WTH The last 3 digits are always WTH 123 1234 None
NC 123456789 None 12-12-123 0 The 1st digit must be a 0 or a 9
ND 12345678901 [FEIN followed by 01] FEIN followed by 01 1234567 None
NE 012345678, 001234567, or 000123456 [If you have fewer than 9 digits, you must enter the number with ZEROS on the left as follows: 012345678, 001234567, 000123456. If your account number starts with 21, you’re required to replace 21 with ZEROS.] [If you have fewer than 9 digits, you must enter the number with ZEROS on the left as follows: 012345678, 001234567, 000123456. If your account number starts with 21, you’re required to replace 21 with ZEROS.] 1234567890 None
NH N/A N/A 123456000 The 1st 3 digits are 000
NJ 123/123/123/000 [FEIN followed by 000] FEIN followed by 000 123/456/789/000 FEIN followed by 000
NM 00-123456-000 [1st 2 digits must be 00 to 09. The last 3 digits must be 000 to 009.] The 1st 2 digits must be 00 to 09. The last 3 digits must be 000 to 009. 12345678  
NV N/A N/A 123456789  
NY 123456789 or 12345678901 or AB1234567 or AB123456789 [1st 9 digits same as FEIN] 1st 9 digits same as FEIN 1234567 None
OH 51-123456, 52-123456, 53-123456, or 54-123456 [1st 2 digits must be 51, 52, 53, or 54] [1st 2 digits must be 51, 52, 53, or 54] 1234567-00-1, 1234567-01-1, or 1234567-02-1 [Middle 2 digits must be 00, 01, or 02] The middle 2 digits must be 00, 01, or 02
OK WTH1234567890 [the 1st 3 digits must be WTH] The 1st 3 digits must be WTH 12-1234567 None
OR 1234567-1 None 1234567-1 None
PA 9123-1234, 9123 1234, 1123-1234, 1123 1234, 2123-1234, or 2123 1234 [1st digit must be 1, 2 or 9] [1st digit must be 1, 2 or 9] 12-12345 or 12-12345A None
RI 123456789000 [FEIN followed by 00] FEIN followed by 00 0004567890 The 1st 3 digits are 000
SC 123456789 The 1st 2 digits must be 25 0234567 The 1st digit must be 0
SD N/A N/A 12345.1-1 None
TN N/A N/A 0234-123-1 or 0234-123 The 1st digit must be 0
TX N/A N/A 01-123456-1, 11-123456-1, or 99-123456-1 [1st digit must be 0, 1, or 99] [1st digit must be 0, 1, or 99]
UT 10123456789WTH, 11123456789WTH, 12123456789WTH, 13123456789WTH, or 14123456789WTH [1st 2 digits must be 10, 11, 12, 13 or 14. The last 3 digits need to be WTH] [1st 2 digits must be 10, 11, 12, 13 or 14. The last 3 digits need to be WTH] C1-123456-1 or R1-123456 [1st digit must be C or R] [1st digit must be C or R]
VA 30-123456789F-001 [1st 2 digits must be 30. The middle number is FEIN and the letter F. The last 3 digits must be 001 to 009.] [1st 2 digits must be 30. The middle number is FEIN and the letter F. The last 3 digits must be 001 to 009.] 0001234567, 0011234567, or 0021234567 [the 1st 3 digits are 000, 001 or 002] [1st 3 digits are 000, 001 or 002]
VT WHT12345678 The 1st 3 characters must be WHT. 123 1234 None
WA N/A N/A 123456-00 or 123456-00-1 [Last 2 digits must be 00 to 09] [Last 2 digits must be 00 to 09]
WI 036-1234567890-01 [1st 3 digits must be 036. The last 2 digits must be 01 through 09] The 1st 3 digits must be 036. The last 2 digits must be 01 through 09 123456-000-1 The middle 3 digits must be 000
WV 1234-1234 None 000056789-1 First 4 digits must be 0000
WY N/A N/A 123456789 None




[BCB:25:My Sage - issues:ECB]


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