ECONNRESET error - Web Sessions stuck in User Monitor

[BCB:4:Operating system warning:ECB]
[BCB:5:Third-party support:ECB]

It was reported that the installation of these components has mitigated the issue along with adjusting the KeepAlive Windows Registy settings.

The following components are from v12.0.23:

Adxadmin 93.1.13

Runtime 93.1.13

Syracuse 12.8.1

MongoDB 4.0.18

The KeepAlive TCPIP\parameters entries were made to the windows registry for the Syracuse and App/DB servers.

NOTE: See related resources below for guidance on how to adjust the KeepAlive configuration settings in Windows Registry Editor.
WARNING: Modifying the KeepAlive settings in Windows Operating System and should be handled with proper precaution. Modifying the Registry can cause harm to the OS if not handled properly.

Microsoft Windows timeout session allocation (KeepAlive) configuration guidelines for Sage X3 Environments

Steps to duplicate
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