Batch Server Tasks increasingly failing with ECONNRESET errors

Batch server tasks intermittently fail with ECONNRESET error 
For example, looking in the batch server log file for a failed job (  RQT*.tra ) you can see the following text: 

#AdxVL@(#)%I% Batch query log FUNAUTINVD
0001 05-28-20 09:02:32 ERROR : read ECONNRESET (10001)


NOTE: For BEST performance, Environments should be utilizing the LATEST AVAILABLE Runtime and ADXAdmin components.


For customers with the X3 Runtime service on a different server to the Syracuse service, the standard Windows TCP settings may not be suitable for the network load and performance

[BCB:4:Operating system warning:ECB]

Issue can be mitigated by adjusting the KeepAlive and SharedSection Windows Registry Setting.

See related resources for guidance on how to adjust the KeepAlive and SharedSection configuration settings in Windows Registry Editor.

Note: these settings are modifying Windows Operating System and should be handled with proper precaution.

DocLink: Microsoft Windows timeout session allocation (KeepAlive) configuration guidelines for Sage X3 Environments
DocLink: Microsoft Windows Heap Memory allocation (SharedSection) configuration guidelines for Sage X3 Environments

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