Note: These functions require single-user access in Sage 50. Section 1: Change a user's role - Select Maintain, Users, then Set Up Security.
- If presented with a notification regarding use of Roles, select OK.
- Highlight the user in the list, then select Edit User's Roles.
- Uncheck any roles that will no longer be applied.
- Check the desired role.
- Select Save, then Close.
Section 2: Create a new role - Select Maintain, Users, then Set Up Security.
- Select the Roles List tab.
- Select New Role.
- Enter a Role Name and Role Description.
- Set the Role's access to the different areas of Sage 50, then select Save.
Note: Unless a Role will only view information, it should have full access to Post and Unpost in the Company section.
- Select Close when finished.
Section 3: Edit a role's access - Select Maintain, Users, then Set Up Security.
- Select the Roles List tab.
- Select the Role that you wish to edit; then click View/Edit Role.
- Set the Role's access to the different areas of Sage 50, then select Save.
Note: Unless a Role will only view information, it should have full access to Post and Unpost in the Company section.
- Select Close when finished.
Note: Assigning multiple roles increases overall security (for instance it you assign a user to the Admin role and AR role then the user would only have AR access level). Section 4: Delete a role - Select Maintain, Users, Set Up Security.
- Select the Roles List tab.
- Select the Role that you wish to delete.
- Click Delete Role.
- Click Yes to confirm the delete.
- Click Close.