How to edit user roles

Note: These functions require single-user access in Sage 50.

Section 1: Change a user's role

  1. Select Maintain, Users, then Set Up Security.
  2. If presented with a notification regarding use of Roles, select OK.
  3. Highlight the user in the list, then select Edit User's Roles.
  4. Uncheck any roles that will no longer be applied.
  5. Check the desired role.
  6. Select Save, then Close.

Section 2: Create a new role

  1. Select Maintain, Users, then Set Up Security.
  2. Select the Roles List tab.
  3. Select New Role.
  4. Enter a Role Name and Role Description.
  5. Set the Role's access to the different areas of Sage 50, then select Save.

    Unless a Role will only view information, it should have full access to Post and Unpost in the Company section.
  6. Select Close when finished.

Section 3: Edit a role's access

  1. Select Maintain, Users, then Set Up Security.
  2. Select the Roles List tab.
  3. Select the Role that you wish to edit; then click View/Edit Role.
  4. Set the Role's access to the different areas of Sage 50, then select Save.

    Unless a Role will only view information, it should have full access to Post and Unpost in the Company section.
  5. Select Close when finished.

Note: Assigning multiple roles increases overall security (for instance it you assign a user to the Admin role and AR role then the user would only have AR access level).

Section 4: Delete a role

  1. Select Maintain, Users, Set Up Security.
  2. Select the Roles List tab.
  3. Select the Role that you wish to delete.
  4. Click Delete Role.
  5. Click Yes to confirm the delete.
  6. Click Close.
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