- The Box 14 Other amount area in Tools, Modify Forms, W-2 Forms now allow room for up to six line items. In previous versions only three items were available. 3 additional lines were added for Box 14 to the W2 formats in Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate version 20.3.
- Note: Taxes such as MAPFML, NJSDI, NYSDI, NY PFL, and ORSTT that are required to be reported in Box 14 will populate automatically without adding these to the setup of the W-2 form. (This list of taxes is an example and may not be inclusive of all taxes that will populate to Box 14 automatically)
The COVID Sick and Paid Family Leave Pays will need to be added to the setup of the W-2 Form in Payroll in order to be included on the W-2 forms in Aatrix.
NOTE: If you will print and mail your Federal W2s as opposed to filing electronically please refer to KB 108849 DocLink: Box 14 descriptions of COVID pays are overlapping the amounts on the printed Federal W2 form. for instructions associated with the setup of the W2 form due to an issue that has been noted with the printed description outlined in this article.
This article outlines the process based on the setup of the COVID Sick and Emergency Pay outlined in KB 103997 DocLink: How do I set up pays to pay employees associated with the HR_6201 - Families First Coronavirus Response Act?
1. Create 3 formulas that will be used populate the description of the amounts that will be returned in Box 14 on form W-2 as follows:
In Payroll, select Tools, Formulas.
Setup the Formula Description which is specific to your COVIDSICK Pay. This pay was the minimum of the usual hourly rate or 63.875 per hour.
- Click New.
- Click inside the formula entry box then type "EPSLA$511" (including the quotes)
- Click OK
- In the Formula Name box type EPSLA$511.
Setup the Formula Description which is specific to your COVIDFMLA Pay. This pay was the minimum of 2/3 of the usual hourly rate or 25.00 per hour.
- Click New.
- Click inside the formula entry box then type "EPSLA$200" (including the quotes)
- Click OK
- In the Formula Name box type EPSLA$200.
Setup the Formula Description which is specific to your COVFMLA10 Pay. This pay was the minimum of 2/3 of the usual hourly rate of 25.00 per hour.
- Click New.
- Click inside the formula entry box then type "EFMLEA" (including the quotes)
- Click OK
- In the Formula Name box type EFMLEA.
- Click Close to exit the Formulas Tool.
2. Add the COVID-19 emergency sick and family leave Pay IDs to the setup of your W2 form in Payroll, Tools, Modify forms, W2 forms.
In Payroll, select Tools, Modify Forms, W-2 forms
- Click List, select the W-2 form, click [OK], and then press the TAB key.
- Click inside the box on the left on the first blank line within box 14, then select the [Formulas] button. Select the formula named EPSLA$511 then click [OK]
- Click inside the box on the right on the first blank line within box 14, then select the [Pays] button. Select your COVIDSICK Pay ID then click [OK]
- Click inside the box on the left on the next blank line within box 14, then select the [Formulas] button. Select the formula named EPSLA$200 then click [OK]
- Click inside the box on the right on this same line within box 14, then select the [Pays] button. Select your COVIDFMLA Pay ID then click [OK]
- Click inside the box on the left on the next blank line within box 14, then select the [Formulas] button. Select the formula named EFMLEA then click [OK]
- Click inside the box on the right on this same line within box 14, then select the [Pays] button. Select your COVFMLA10 Pay ID then click [OK]
Note: If you did not break out the COVID-19 Emergency Pays into three separate Pay IDs, see the Additional Information below