Using the Standard Databases window to manage standard item databases (SQL)
Standard Database window
Use this window to manage your standard Sage Estimating item databases.

From this window, you can:

  • Scan for new databases.
  • Attach a database to one or more SQL Server instances.

You can add purchased standard databases (such as RSMeans) to the list using the Sage Estimating Database Installer window.

  • Specify database settings, such as the phase suffix and attachment folder, job cost category information, user-definable fields, and crew cost information and base currency.
  • For databases that you create, restrict the use of the database to users who have an authorization code.
  • For databases that you published with restricted access, generate authorization codes for customers to whom you distributed the database.
  • Remove databases from the Estimating Management Console.
  • Rename existing databases.

The Standard Database Catalog pane lists all available instances, along with the databases associated with the instance.

  • To display the databases associated with an instance, select the instance from the list.
  • To view the settings for a particular database, select the database on the list. The setup properties are displayed in the detail pane to the right of the catalog pane.
  • To delete or rename any database displayed in the Standard Database Catalog pane, right-click it, and then select Remove, Delete, or Rename from the shortcut menu.
  • To set a database as the default, right-click it in the catalog pane, and then click Set Default on the shortcut menu.


  • You need Edit Database Settings and the Edit Standard Database permissions to change any settings in this window. (The [Edit] button does not appear unless you have permission to use it.)
  • You can create, delete, attach, or remove a standard database only if you have the appropriate SQL Server permissions.
  • You cannot edit the database if it is checked out to another user.
  • Estimate and Address Book databases are not standard databases.

To display the Standard Database window:

On the Estimating Management Console ribbon, click [Standard DB] .

How do I create a new standard database? (SQL) (108111)
How do I delete a standard database from SQL Server? (SQL) (108112)
How do I restrict access to a database that I created for internal use or for sale (SQL) (97641)

What are the items in the Database Information pane? (SQL) (108116)

What characters may I use when naming my standard database? (SQL) (108117)

Manage your standard database:

How do I backup and restore my Sage Estimating database, using the Estimating Management Console? (SQL) (39684)

How do I restore my SQL Estimating databases? (71315)

How to delete SQL Database in Estimating Management Console (90395)

How do I add an installed or restored Database in SQL Estimating using the Estimating Management Console? (93139)

How do I restrict access to a database that I created for internal use or for sale (SQL) (97641)

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