Using the Estimates window to create, delete, and rename estimate (SQL)

Estimates window
Use this window to manage your estimates. You can perform the following functions from this window:

  • Create a new estimate.
  • Duplicate or copy an existing estimate.

In Estimating and the Estimating Management Console, copying an estimate makes an exact copy of an existing estimate. Duplicating an estimate copies the estimate, and it lets you:

  • Clear quantities and amounts from the original estimate.
  • Restrict access to the estimate to administrators.
  • Open a selected estimate in the Estimating program.
  • Delete estimates.
  • Rename existing estimates.

From this window, you can also:

  • Select an estimate and view the corresponding estimate cover page information such as the project name, location, size, and bid results. Your cover page information appears on the estimate report when you select the Print cover page option in Sage Estimating before printing.
  • Display all the estimates that exist in the database, or on a branch in the catalog, on the Estimates grid, where you can view key information about all the displayed estimates at a glance, and even filter the display by certain characteristics.
  • Organize estimates by branch or sub-branch using the Estimate Catalog pane. This pane displays all estimates that are currently available. Select any branch (folder icon) in the list to display a list of all estimates within it.

To open the Estimates window, click [Estimates] at the top of the Estimating Management Console.

  • You can add or delete estimates only if you have the appropriate permissions.
  • Sage Estimating locks each estimate exclusively for the user who is currently using it. However, if you are working with an estimate and your session is unexpectedly terminated, Sage Estimating automatically unlocks the estimate.

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Steps to duplicate
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