Report to reconcile 940 wages and liability

There’s no specific report that gives the FUTA wages and withholding by employee. Use the Custom Exports feature to export out the amounts.

  1. PR, Transfer, Custom Exports.
  2. Select New to create a new template.
  3. Give your template a name such as FUTA RECONCILIATION.
  4. For the Data Source, select PR Employees.
    Image of Custom Export Create Template screen.
  5. Select the following fields to export. 
    Image of Custom Export select fields screen.
  6. Set any Sort or Filters desired.
  7. Export the report to Excel.
    Image of export to Excel prompt in Custom Exports.
  8. The YTD FUTA wages will be on the total YTDFUTATaxablePay. The FUTA wage limit is on the first $7,000.00. Edit your Excel spreadsheet to $7,000.00 of taxable FUTA wages for those employees who made over $7,000.00.


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