Sage 50 will not run on drives with larger than 4k sectors

Hard drive sectors greater than 4k, usually found in newer solid state drive (SSD) hard drives and shipped with newer PC models. This can also be caused due to an ongoing issue with Windows 11 OS that overstates sector disk size in some drivers.

[BCB:5:Third-party support:ECB]

At this time there is currently no resolution to this compatibility issue. It is recommended to install Sage 50 on a PC that does not have drive sectors larger than 4k.

If the issue is caused by Windows 11 OS overstating the drive sector size a registry entry can be made to force the correct reporting.

To determine if the PC in question has drive sectors larger than 4k follow the steps below:

  1. Open a Windows command prompt, making sure to run the application as an administrator with elevated privleges.
  2. Type in: fsutil fsinfo sectorInfo C: (note that C: can be replaced with the drive letter of the drive you wish to test - usually the system drive of the PC).
  3. The drive info will be displayed, take note of the values for:
    • PhysicalBytesPerSectorForPerformance
    • PhysicalBytesPerSectorForAtomicity
    If the values are greater than 4096 the database engine will not be able to run successfully.
  4. The following information can be used to update the Windows registry to correct reporting of overstated drive size

    NOTE: incorrectly modifying the registry can cause severe and unrecoverable damage to your computer. It is recommened to have your IT professional impliment the steps listed in the following Microsoft KB after making full backups of your data.
  5. After entering the registry key restart the computer for the changes to take effect

Further information on this compatibility issue can be found at the Actian knowledgebase located here:

[BCB:25:Chat 50 US:ECB]

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