How to dispose existing asset via Custom Import


Versions 2022.1 and higher allow you to dispose or partially dispose active assets in Sage Fixed Assets Single User, Network or Premier products.

Note: This function is only available to customers currently on a subscription support plan. You can call Sage Fixed Assets Customer Service at 800-368-2405 to see about moving to a subscription plan.

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Note: There is an Import Full and Part Disposals Template.xls file available on the workstation installations in the product's folder at C:\Program Files (x86)\Sage Fixed Assets\Depreciation, Depreciation - Network or Premier Depreciation\User Files.

In Excel setup a spreadsheet with the following fields:

Note: The order of the fields is not critical at this time. There is a mapping process in the Custom Import where the fields will be assigned so that the Sage Fixed Assets program will know what value in the Import file goes to where in the Sage Fixed Assets program

  • System Number (Required)
  • Disposal Date (Required)
  • Disposal Method (Required, if mapped) (see Disposal Method codes below for details)
  • Cash Proceeds (Optional)
  • Non-Cash Proceeds (Optional)
  • Expenses of Sale (Optional)

    Additional fields if doing Partial Disposals:
    Note: The following fields are only required if you are doing a partial disposal.
  • Partial-Book (Required)
  • Partial-Amount (Required)
  • Partial-Description (Optional)

Save file from Excel, using the default xlsx, xls or CSV format, to a known location. The default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Sage Fixed Assets\Depreciation, Depreciation - Network or Premier Depreciation\User Files

Note: It is recommended to have both the Import file and the import mapping file on a drive local to the workstation installation.

In Sage Fixed Assets:

  1. Go to File, Company Utilities, Custom Import.
  2. Click Browse, navigate to the Import file's location, select the correct file format, select the file, click Open and click Next
  3. Select the Company and database to import into and click Next
  4. Select Dispose Asset and click Next
  5. Select appropriate field map option, Create New Field Map or Use Saved Field Map
    • Create New Field Map: for first time Import or new import file with a different arrangement of fields. This is where you map out the fields in the Import file to the correct field in Sage Fixed Assets
    • Use Saved Field Map: to find an existing import map files (*.imp) which matches the Import file. Note: the map can be edited here for any changes made to the Import file.

      Note: there is a sample Import Full and Part Disposals Template.imp file located with the Import Full and Part Disposals Template.xls noted above
  6. Once the mapping in complete, click Next then Click Validate. The Validate will ensure the import and mapping information is correct. Only valid records with exception will import. Any Invalid records found will not import. It is recommended to review the Import Exception report and fix all errors found (warnings can be ignored) before completing the Import process.
  7. Once the Validation is completed with no Invalid records, click Import.

Disposal Method codes:

  • S - Sale
  • A - Abandonment
  • E - Taxable Exchange
  • C - Casualty
  • L - Like-Kind Exchange: Pre-1/3/2000
  • K - Like-Kind Exchange: Post-1/2/2000
  • I - Involuntary Conversion: Pre-1/3/2000
  • V - Involuntary Conversion: Post-1/2/2000
  • R - Other

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