How can I determine what files are used for what purpose in the program files and data path directory?
 NOTE: Not all files will apply to all versions of Sage 50. 

Files and Folders




Delete Yes/No

What will happen when deleted?


Company Data files

_default_user_.cac Holds user license info for Default user Yes Recreates
Address.dat All Bill-to/Ship-to addresses of customers and mail-to/remit-to addresses of vendors No Corrupts Database
AdvData.dat Sage Advisor data related to user interactions. Yes Recreates Empty
AdvHist.dat Sage Advisor history of advice related to user. Yes Recreates Empty
Aflocat.dat Auto-Fill data for Address fields only. Yes Recreates Empty (Run DV to repopulate)
Alarm.dat Helper file for Alerts. Yes Recreates Empty (Alarms will be lost)
Alert.dat Alert information entered through Tasks, Action Items, Alerts. This includes alert email criteria. Yes Recreates Empty (Alerts will be lost)
Apiaccss.dat Regulates third-party SDK client applications access to company files Yes (must reauthorize third-party apps with company file)
Atmntbdl.dat Necessary information for Sage 50 to locate the attached file inside the attachments directory and reference what maintenance or transactional record it’s associated with. Yes Recreates Empty (Attachments will still exist, but the relationship to Sage 50 and the attachments will be lost. Must restore complete backup)
Attchmnt.dat Necessary information for Sage 50 to locate the attached file inside the attachments directory and reference what maintenance or transactional record it’s associated with. Yes Recreates Empty (Attachments will still exist, but the relationship to Sage 50 and the attachments will be lost. Must restore complete backup)
Audittr.dat Audit Trail Report information Yes Recreates Empty (Audit Trail will be lost)
Avgdtpay.dat AverageDayToPayfileName: Added with the Cash Flow feature. It looks like this file isn’t currently used. Yes Asked to recreate on open company.
Bankrec.dat Account Reconciliation information (but not a cleared checklist). No Corrupts Database
Bddetail.dat Budget Detail No Corrupts Database
BomHist.dat Revisions to the Bill of Materials for Assembly Items No Corrupts Database
BomItems.dat Bills of Materials for Assembly Items No Corrupts Database
Budget.dat Budget List Information No Corrupts Database
Budgetar.dat ArchivedBudgetSummaryfileName: Added for the Prior Year Reporting feature No Corrupts Database - you’ll lose any summary prior year transactions for reporting.
Cashflow.dat CashFlowfileName: It looks like this was included in the database for future expansion to allow for multiple cash flow projections, but currently Sage 50 only does one. Yes Asked to recreate on company.
Cfacct.dat CashFlowAccountfileName: New accounts on the "Starting Cash" tab No Corrupts Database - you’ll lose any new cash flow accounts you've added.
Cftrans.dat CashFlowTransactionsfileName: Edited and added transactions on the "Expected Incoming Cash" and "Expected Outgoing Cash" tabs No Corrupts Database - you’ll lose any new cash flow accounts you've added.
Chart.dat Contains Chart of Account information No Corrupts Database
Chartar.dat ArchivedChartSummaryfileName: Added for the Prior Year Reporting feature No Corrupts Database - you’ll lose any summary prior year transactions for reporting.
ChgOrder.dat Change Order "header" data. No Recreates Empty
(data will be lost)
CODetail.dat Change Order detail No Recreates Empty
(data will be lost & data corruption)
Company.dat Company Name, Address, etc. information entered through Maintain Company Information. No Corrupts Database
Company.db Tax forms file Yes Reinstall Aatrix tax forms to recover
Connco.dat Creates when a company is open. Yes Recreates Empty
Contacts.dat Contains Contact information No Corrupts Database
Cosess.dat Tracks how many users are in a company Yes Recreates Empty
Cost.dat Information concerning Job Cost Codes. No Corrupts Database
Customer.dat Customer information No Corrupts Database
Defprfld.dat All of the default company payroll fields. No Corrupts Database
EarnSumm.dat Earnings information for each employee. No Corrupts Database
Employee.dat Employee information No Corrupts Database
EmpPayinf.dat Contains pay rates defined for each employee. No Corrupts Database
Empprfld.dat Customized payroll fields specific to an employee. No Corrupts Database
Esprfld.dat Earnings for a payroll field. No Corrupts Database
ESWage.dat Employee summary hours and pay for each pay rate. No Corrupts Database
Eventlog.dat Customer\Employee\Vendor Event information. Yes Recreates Empty (Events will be lost)
Evntcls.dat Created during the Year-End Wizard Yes Shouldn’t be present outside of the Year-End Wizard process
Forecast.dat Business Analysis information Yes Recreates Empty
Foredetl.dat Business Analysis information Yes Recreates Empty
General.dat Default Information entered through Maintain Default Information. No Corrupts Database
GLCoat.dat Used so FAS will know what Chart of Account numbers the company uses in Sage 50 Yes Recreates Empty (will have to relink the FAS company to the Sage 50 company)
Grpdata.dat List of Report Groups. Yes Recreates Empty (report groups will be lost)
Invchain.dat Helper file for inventory costing system. It’s used with LIFO and FIFO costing methods. No Corrupts Database
Invcomp.dat Component Lists for Assemblies. This file is used in part to help check for circular components when saving assemblies. No Corrupts Database
Invcost.dat Helper file for inventory costing system. No Corrupts Database
Jobest.dat Job Estimate information. No Corrupts Database
Jrnlcls.dat Created during the Year-End Wizard Yes Shouldn’t be present outside of the Year-End Wizard process
Jrnlhdr.dat Contains one record for each transaction that the user enters. There’s a one-to-many relationship between Header records and row records. Each header record can have any number of related rows. No Corrupts Database
Jrnlrow.dat Contains the meat of the accounting system. It has one row for every financial event. Some rows serve to hold more than one type of information. There will be one row for every amount that the user entered PLUS there will be one or two rows for each system-generated activity such as cost of goods sold, or below zero transactions. No Corrupts Database
Jrnlsno.dat Contains information concerning Serialized Inventory No Corrupts Database
KMSKeys.xml Key management for Sage Exchange No Corrupts Database
Lineitem.dat Inventory item information No Corrupts Database
NotAdMsg.dat "Additional message" added to Notification Rules on the Setup Notification Rules window. No Recreates Empty (data will be lost)
Deleting individual Not*.dat files will corrupt the database--you may be unable to edit Notifications.
NotCdVal.dat Notification Condition Value Record No Recreates Empty
(data will be lost)
NotMsg.dat System-generated notification text description of each Notification. No Recreates Empty
(data will be lost)
NotRecip.dat Relates User assigned a Notification to the Notification in Notifica.dat. No Recreates Empty
(data will be lost)
NotRules.dat Notification rules. No Recreates Empty
(data will be lost)
Notifica.dat Notifications that have been made. No Recreates Empty
(data will be lost)
Olacct.dat Online Banking OFX Imported Account Information No Corrupts Database
Oltrans.dat Online Banking OFX Imported Bank Records No Corrupts Database
Paymethd.dat Contains payment methods used in transactions. No Corrupts Database


(See note)*

Sage HR field-mapping information
No Can have unpredictable results, such as duplicate data
PEPUsage.dat Contains reportable usage data and environment statistics reported to Sage. Yes Recreates Empty
Periodar.dat ArchivedPeriodInfofileName: Added for the Prior Year Reporting feature No Corrupts Database
you’ll lose any summary prior year transactions for reporting.
Permiss.dat User ID and Password information No Corrupts Database
Phase.dat Contains Maintain Phase information. No Corrupts Database
Project.dat Contains Maintain Job information. No Corrupts Database
QtyDisc.dat Contains Quantity Discount information No Corrupts Database
RaiseHst.dat Contains Employee Raise History information No Corrupts Database
Recon.dat file holds information regarding the reconsolidation of a Consolidated Company. No Corrupts Database
Recpttag.dat Helper file for cash basis companies. Also, links up invoices and payments. No Corrupts Database
Recurex.dat Contains information about year-end rollover recurring entries No Corrupts Database
Report.dat Predefined and Customized Financial Statement Report Formats. Yes Copy from Reports folder in data path.
Review.dat Contains information on reviews. Yes Recreates Empty
Roles.dat Holds information for default Roles in a Sage 50 Company No Corrupts Database
Rptdata.dat Custom report formats that aren’t financial reports or forms, and also import templates Yes Recreates Empty (Custom reports will be lost)
Rptfilts.dat Used to save the report ranges in the filter tabs for reports. i.e., non-contiguous customer ranges. Yes Recreates Empty
Rstydef.dat Contains the report style defaults. Yes Recreates Empty
Rstyle.dat Contains Predefined and Custom report style settings. Yes Recreates Empty
Statcode.dat Available Notification Tracking status codes Yes Recreates Empty(Loses Tracking Status and History)
Stathist.dat History of assignments of Notifications. Yes Recreates Empty(Loses Tracking Status and History)
Statnote.dat Notification Tracking notes. Yes Recreates Empty(Loses Tracking Status and History)
Storetrx.d at Contains Memorized Transactions (2005 and earlier) Yes Recreates Empty
Stxhdr.dat Contains Memorized Transactions Yes Recreates Empty
Stxrow.dat Contains Memorized Transactions Yes Recreates Empty
Syspref.dat Holds company-specific preferences not associated with any particular Sage 50 user Yes Recreates Empty
Taxauth.dat Sales Tax Authority information No Corrupts Database
Taxcode.dat Sales Tax Code information. No Corrupts Database
Taxtable.dat Company-specific (User-Maintained) payroll tax formulas. Yes Company Tax Tables will be lost
Template.dat Predefined and Customized Tasks screen Templates. Yes Recreates Empty
Ticket.dat Time Ticket and Expense Ticket information. No Corrupts Database
Unitmeas.dat Contains Unit of Measure information No Corrupts Database
UPSinfo.dat Helper file for UPS Integration No Corrupts Database
UPSship.dat Helper file for UPS Integration No Corrupts Database
Userpref.dat Contains User Preferences for Sage 50 Yes Recreates Empty and resets defaults
Userrole.dat Holds information for User-defined Roles in a Sage 50 Company No Corrupts Database
Vendins.dat Contains vendor insurance information No Corrupts Database
Vendor.dat Contains Vendor information. No Corrupts Database
Worktkt.dat Contains information on created work tickets No Corrupts Database

Other files and Folders located in the Company data folder

*.DDF Data Definition files that 3rd party programs (such as Crystal Reports) and Pervasive need to read our data files. Yes Recreates the next time the company is opened
*.frm Individual Form files. Each Custom form is its own separate file. Yes Custom Forms will have to be restored from a backup.
*.LCK files that Btrieve creates to manage record locking. Yes No consequence
*.ptb Sage 50 company backup file. Can be decompressed using an extraction utility. Yes Backups will be lost
*.PTL (Sage 50 Lock files) files that we create to manage record locks. Yes No consequence
*.PTR Files that are created at the time of printing to manage print functions Yes Recreates with next print
*.RPT Crystal Report that lists detailed information pulled from Maintain Customers. Includes sales and payment information. Yes The report will no longer be available
~pvsw~.loc Contains the computer name that is designated as the Actian (Pervasive) gateway server engine Yes Recreates the next time Sage 50 is opened
Datalog.txt This is the log file that data verification writes to Yes Recreates with the next DV test (DV history will be lost)
Details.ini Contains company backup reminder information. Yes No consequence
Plan.dat Linking file for customers record in Fusion Yes Recreates with next online update
Purge.log Log file that Purge writes to: If turned on Yes Recreates with the next Purge (Purge history will be lost)
PWASync.log The log file that is created when PWA sync is done. When you sync and it pass or fails and you click to see the log, this is the file it’s showing you. It Logs if the sync passes or if it fails and what the error is if it errors. file gets reset with every sync. Yes Recreates with the next PWA Sync (Last Log will be lost)
Sync.pwp Holds web transaction center transactions Yes Recreates with next PWA Sync
Services.pwp Holds web transaction center transactions Yes Recreates with next PWA Sync
Version.txt A text file that tells the data version. No Corrupts Database
Archives (file folder) Contains Archived company data Yes Archives will be lost
Drafts (file folder) Draft forms for Aatrix Yes Drafts will be lost
Histories (file folder) Historic files for Aatrix Yes Historic forms will be lost
Letters (file folder) Contains Mail Merge documents Yes Will need to recreate the Mail Merge documents
UPS (file folder) UPS Label Yes Printed Labels will be lost
GenericAdvisor PEP Yes Recreates

Files and Folders in the Datapath

*.DDF Data Definition files that 3rd party programs (such as Crystal Reports) and Pervasive need to read our data files. Yes Run Repair of Sage 50 or reinstall latest service release to replace
*.LCK Files that Btrieve creates to manage record locking. Yes No consequence
1099info.dat Contains Box Types, Descriptions and lower limits for 1099 settings and defaults Yes Reinstall Sage 50
Bilic.dat Contains Business Intelligence licensing No Must reinstall/repair to replace
Connco.dat At the company level, holds serial number information to enforce anti-piracy of software. Yes Recreates Empty
Conndp.dat At the company level, holds serial number information to enforce anti-piracy of software. Yes Recreates Empty
Envsess.dat Manages User Licenses in Sage 50 Yes Recreates Empty
Envuser.dat Manages User Licenses in Sage 50 Yes Recreates Empty
Holiday.dat Contains bank holidays No Must reinstall/repair to replace
Lgnsessn.dat File used to hold login sessions Yes Recreates Empty
Msgtrigg.dat Message Trigger Data file Name: Contains tracked data for PEP: Yes Can be deleted, but collected data is lost.
Obsret.dat Contains service obsolescence and retirement information Yes Web services won’t function until Sage 50 Repair is run to reinstall the file.
Olfi.dat Contains Online Banking Import Wizard's List of Financial Institutions Yes Reinstall Sage 50 or the latest tax update, if applicable.
Options.dat Contains Global Program Settings (that is, Hide Accounting Periods, Change System Date, Define Internet Connection). Also holds Tax Registration and Product "value pack" Registration information. Yes Recreates Empty
Peachdat.loc The locator file used by Sage 50 to designate where the proper Data Path is during installation. Yes Will need to reinstall to get the file back.
Rptdatai.dat Contains all Predefined Reports for All Flavors. (No custom reports and no financial). Yes Will need to reinstall to get the file back.
Serial.dat Holds serial number information to enforce anti-piracy of software. Yes Recreates Empty
Spstatus.dat SmartPostingStatusfileName: Holds information about companies using SmartPosting: No Corrupts Database - hangs the SmartPosting service.
Status.dat Contains status bar text messages. Yes Will need to reinstall to get the file back.
Taxinfo.dat Helper file for Payroll tax tables. Contains Filing Statuses for each state, among other things. Yes Will need to reinstall to get the file back.
Taxrghst.dat Tax registration for eFiling (versions 2013 and older) Yes Will need to reinstall and reregister the Tax Service to get the file back.
Taxtable.dat If located in the data path it contains Global payroll tax formulas. If located in the Company folder contains Company Payroll Tax Formulas. Yes Will need to reinstall to get the file back.
Forms (file folder) Contains custom and standard forms Yes Will need to reinstall for standard forms and restore a backup for custom
Letters (file folder) Contains zipped data needed to fill the company's letter folder. Yes Will need to reinstall to get the folder back
Reports (file folder) Contains zipped data of DDF files, RPT files and the Report.dat files Yes Will need to reinstall to get the folder back.
Updates (file folder) Contains Service Releases, Tax Updates and the oupaw.ini file Yes Will need to run the Check for Update option to repopulate


* NOTE: Reindexing PDSIDMap.dat directly (reindexing Sage HR ID Map) or performing Repair Company will consistently result in 3 specific error messages. For this reason, don’t run a Repair Company in version 2024.0 because it isn’t able to complete the entire repair process. See Error: "The company could not be opened because the file 'PDSIDMap.DAT' is missing or damaged".

This issue was resolved in the 2024.0.1 update.


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