What is an external report database configuration? (SQL)

A configuration contains the following information:

  • A name for the configuration.
  • A name for the external report database you will generate.
  • Whether to use the selected estimate’s current sequence or a custom sequence you specify. The sequence determines how items are processed and the content of overlines, if you choose to include them.
  • Whether to combine items on reports. Items can be combined if all the following fields have matching values: phase code, item code, item description, takeoff unit, order unit (each category must match), price (or lump sum amount), subcontractor, or bid grid.
  • For combined items, whether to round quantities for the included estimates when you generate data.
  • Whether to allocate add-ons.
  • Whether to include overlines. Data is generated for every sort sequence overline, including category totals, description, quantity, unit, and notes.
  • Whether to include or exclude items that are assigned to alternates based on the alternate status.
  • The estimates for which to generate data, and whether to automatically generate data for new estimates in the external report database (including imported, copied, and merged estimates).
  • The non-administrative users that will have read privileges for the generated data.

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