Creating budget entries for Intacct (SQL)

Creating estimate entries for Intacct Construction projects

Before exporting entries

To export an estimate to Sage Intacct Construction, you need to identify the Intacct Construction company and the project to which to export the estimate. You can do this using the Export wizard. If the project doesn't exist in Intacct Construction, you can create it "on the fly" during the export.

You can also identify company and project using the Estimate Information window before you export, as follows:

  1. In the Estimate Information window, fill in the Job Cost Information section of the window, as you would when integrating a standard database.

Note: If you based the estimate on a standard database that is already integrated with Sage Intacct Construction, you can skip this step.

  1. Select Sage Intacct as the Job Cost System Name.
  2. Click [Setup] and then make sure that the Estimating item categories are properly mapped to Intacct Construction cost types.
  3. Click [Close].
  1. Beside the Job number box, click the [Browse] button, and then select the project from list in the Select Project window.

Note: You can also simply type the project ID in the Job Number box. If the project doesn't exist in Sage Intacct Construction, it will be created when you export the estimate.

To create estimate entries for Sage Intacct Construction:

  1. On the Advanced tab, click Export to Intacct.

If you are not already signed in to a Sage Intacct Construction company, the Sage Intacct - Sign in window appears.

  1. If the Sign in window appears, enter the Intacct Construction Company ID and your credentials, and then click [Sign in]. Estimating launches the Sage Intacct Construction export wizard.

The introductory page describes the next 4 steps of the export process.

  1. Click [Next].
  1. On the next screen:
  1. From the Entity list, select the entity you are working with in Sage Intacct Construction.
  2. In the Project ID box, specify the Sage Intacct Construction project to which you're exporting the estimate.

The wizard displays the default project (the job linked to the estimate in the Estimate Information window). You can select another project that is associated with the company in Intacct Construction.

You can create a new project by specifying a Project ID that doesn't yet exist in Sage Intacct Construction.

Note: If auto-numbering is turned on in Sage Intacct Construction, accept the —New— entry in this field.

The wizard displays the Project name, Begin date, Location, Department, and Customer for an existing project, if they are specified in Sage Intacct Construction.

  1. If attributes are not defined for the project or if you're creating a new project, enter the values in the following fields:
  • Project name. Enter a descriptive name for the project, or you can enter the project ID as the project name.
  • Begin date. Enter the date on which the project is scheduled to begin. Use the MM/DD/YYYY format for the date.
  • End date. Enter the date on which the project is scheduled to end. Use the MM/DD/YYYY format for the date.
  • Location. Select the location where the work on this project will take place Labor costs accrue on the project location (if one exists), not on the employee location..
  • Department. Select the department associated with this project. Leave the department blank to use the employee department in reports.
  • Customer. Select the customer for whom the project is being completed.

  1. Click [Next] to move to the next screen.
  2. Fill in estimate information as follows:
  1. Estimate ID. Enter a code to identify the estimate.

If the project is set up to use an automatic estimate ID sequence, accept the entry in this field.

  1. Description. Enter a description for the estimate. You can use the estimate ID as the description.
  2. Estimate date. If you selected an existing project, the estimate date is filled in. This is the date that is used for all the estimate entries.
  3. Estimate type.If you use estimate types in Intacct Construction, select an estimate type. (For more information about estimate types and how they are used, see the Intacct Construction help.)
  1. Click [Next].
  2. Select rounding and allocation options, as desired.

If you choose not to allocate allocatable addons, Estimating sends the amounts as separate entries.

  1. Click [Next].
  2. Select whether to print a report of the estimate entries you're sending to Intacct Construction.
  3. Click [Finish].
  4. If you selected the option to print a report of the entries, specify the location and the file name for the report, and then click [Save].

Before exporting your estimate data, the wizard checks to ensure that all the cost codes and categories used in the estimate are mapped to an existing task or cost type in the designated Intacct Construction project. If there are any unmatched codes, the wizard prompts you to replace codes with correct ones.

Note: If you click [Cancel] rather than fixing the tasks or cost types, the export process stops and no estimate data is sent to Intacct Construction. When Estimating displays a list of the errors, click [Copy] to save the error report to the clipboard so you can use it to fix the errors later.

  1. If you are prompted to replace incorrect or missing tasks, for each code presented:
  1. If you know the correct code for each task, type it in the box or click [Select a task] and then select the correct Intacct Construction task from the displayed list.
  2. Select Replace all instances of this task with the new value if you want to match all instances of the task automatically. (Selecting this option can save you time and effort.)
  3. Click [OK].
  1. If you are prompted to replace incorrect or missing cost types, for each type presented:

    1. If you know the correct code for each cost type, either type it in the box provided or click [Select a cost type] and then select the correct cost type from the displayed list.

    2. Select Replace all instances of this cost type with the new value if you want to match all instances of the cost type automatically.

    3. Click [OK].

  2. After exporting to Intacct Construction

    • If you canceled the export because you encountered errors, use the error report to fix the errors in the estimate, and then try to export the estimate again.

    • If you chose to create a report of the successfully exported entries, you can print it to verify the entries.

    • Check the project estimate in Intacct Construction. (In Sage Intacct Construction, click Applications > Projects > Project Estimates.)

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