How do I manually update user-maintained formulas
[BCB:5:Third-party support:ECB]

  1. Select File, Payroll Formulas, User-Maintained.
  2. Select the previous year's formula from the Formula ID list (for example GASUI ER 14).
  3. Change Formula ID to the next number in sequence (for example change GASUI4 to GASUI5).
  4. Change Name to the next year in sequence (for example change GASUI ER 14 to GASUI ER 15).
  5. Change the LIMIT and PERCENT to the new limit and percent.
  6. Select Save.
  7. Repeat Steps 2-6 for other formulas as needed.
  8. Close User-Maintained Payroll Formulas screen.
  9. Verify paychecks now calculate correctly.

 Note: Changing the limit or % will only affect future payroll checks. So if the limit has already been exceeded then manual adjustments may be required.

Steps to duplicate
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