How to migrate - Server to Server - Depreciation Network



Note: The following assumes you’re moving the Sage Fixed Asset Network Server program to a new server and installing the same or higher version. Company Backup files (.BBK) from 2013.0 can be restored into the latest version of the program.

  Note: The following steps are for the Sage Fixed Assets Server Install. In the original Sage Fixed Assets client, back up all companies. Do this once for each database.

  1. Go to: File Company Utilities, Backup Company.
  2. Choose a database from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click Select All.
  4. Select a location to save the backup file.
  5. Enter a name for the backup file in the File name field. This can be the original database name.
  6. Click Save.

On the original server, stop the Sybase engine:

  1. In Windows Explorer: Go to C:\SFAServ\common\
  2. Right-click FASSVCMGR.exe and select Run as administrator.
  3. Click Stop.
    Note: Any current users will be unable to access the program once the service is stopped
  4. Once the service is stopped, put the dot in Disable.
  5. Click Save.

Download and Install the Sage Fixed Assets - Depreciation Network Product on the new server:

  1. Go to the Sage Knowledgebase and click Sign-in (look in the top-right corner). Use your Customer Portal credentials.
  2. Click the Green Download Sage Fixed Assets to get to the Download portal page.
  3. Select the appropriate year version and product for download and installation.
  4. Click the Download Now link, click Run or Open the download .exe file, click Run and click OK, which will start the product download.
  5. Once the Product download is complete, it will start the installation.
    1. If prompted, click Install to install any missing requirements.
    2. Click Next, and click Yes.
    3. If you want to change the Destination Folder, click browse, select a folder, and click OK.
    4. If there is a live server running Depreciation Network, change the database engine name. Example: SFA_Engine_New. Click Next.
    5. Once the install is competed click Finish.
    6. When the Database Utility - Network Depreciation & Tracking opens, click Exit.

Configuring the new Sage Fixed Assets - Depreciation Network Server:

  1. Share the SFAServ folder location. The default location is C:\SFAServ\. Verify that the Sharing Permission Level and Security tab on the SFAServ directory have been granted Full Control rights for:
    • The Users of the program.
    • The SYSTEM Group.
    • The Local Administrator.
  2. On the server where Sage Fixed Assets - Depreciation Network server components were installed, go to: Start, Sage Fixed Assets, Database Utility - Network Depreciation & Tracking
  3. In the Database Utility - Network Depreciation and Tracking click Add...
  4. Enter a Database File Name and Database Name, and click OK. This can be the original database name. Leave the database location as the default location on the server.
  5. In the Attachments Folder section: Click Browse, type in an UNC path to the Shared folder for the PDF file attachments
    Note: A default location is provided in the Sage Fixed Assets Server installation: \\SERVERNAME\COMMON\Attachments. If another location is preferred, that folder must be shared to the SFA users with Change and Read access.
  6. Click OK. The selected folder should appear in the Attachments Folder field in the UNC format.
  7. Optional: Input the Sage Customer ID number in the bottom. If you are on 2022.0 or higher and have registered the server, this will fill in automatically.

Configuring Sage Fixed Assets - Depreciation Network Client:

  1.  Go to the client workstation and log on as a local administrator. Uninstall all Sage Fixed Assets applications currently installed and SAP Crystal Reports for Sage. The uninstall will only remove the Sage Fixed Assets program files and won’t touch custom reports, configuration or database files.
    1. To uninstall the applications on the client, go into the Control Panel, Programs and Features. Highlight the Sage Fixed Assets application and click Uninstall.
    2. Click Remove, Next, and OK.
  2. Using Windows Explorer, enter the UNC path to the SFAServ folder on the new server. Go to the SFAServ\Network Client folder, run the Setup.exe, as an administrator. Install the Sage Fixed Assets - Network Depreciation client software.
  3. Launch the Sage Fixed Assets - Network Depreciation client.
  4. From the Sage Fixed Assets - Network Depreciation client Restore the backups. Do this once for each backup file.
    1. Go to: File, Company Utilities, Restore Company.
    2. Click Browse.
    3. Select a backup file and click Open. Click Select All and Next.
    4. Select a database from the dropdown, click Next.
    5. Select desired purge option.
    6. Click Restore.


  • Purging the history has the advantage of speeding up data access performance. While this is the suggested method, purging the history will remove depreciation event entries under the History tab of assets
  • When performing a migration, password security won’t carry over. See How to set up Password Security? for information on how to recreate security profiles

[BCB:165:Chat Fixed Assets US:ECB]

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