How to post a General Ledger journal entry
  1. Select GL, Entries, Post to Journals
  2. Select the 'Journal'. Select one of the standard journal entries or a special journal to record your transaction.
  3. Select the 'Type of Entry'. 
  • Standard: A regular journal entry with at least one debit and one credit.
  • Reversing: Posts like a standard entry for the current month and creates an exact opposite entry for the following month (that posts when you close).
  • Recurring: A transaction predefined with Maintain Recurring Entries.
  • Correcting: A new entry posted to correct a previous journal entry (exactly opposite the original entry).
  • Void: A new entry posted to correct a previous journal entry. Voided entries can be excluded from reports.
  • Edit: Description Changes the description for an entry that was posted in the current month (including future entries). You cannot edit the description of a reversing entry.
  1. Enter the 'Transaction Date', 'Reference #', and 'Description'.
  2. Select the Account #s and the amount to Debit and/or Credit.
  3. Post.

Only balanced journals will post, meaning your total Debits must match your total Credits. A journal is balanced when the 'Unposted Balance' on the bottom of the display is .00.

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