How to sort a report in a group
In Sage Fixed Assets:

  1. Go to: Customize, select Group Manager.
    • Enter a name for the group (such as My Sort) click Add.
      1. Click on the Sort Criteria tab.
      2. Click on drop down box under Sort By:, select the desired field.
      3. Click on drop down box under Select an Order:, select Ascending or Descending order.
      4. Click on drop down box under Subtotal:, select Subtotals.
      5. Click Add, click OK to exit and save that group
    • Click Close to exit group manager.
  2. Select the desired report from the Reports, Standard Report menu.
    1. In the Report Definition Dialog Box, Select the newly created My Sort group from the list.

      NOTE: Ensure that on the Format Report Tab, that the Sort Options section has the dot in Use Sort Specified in Group option.
    2. Finish completing the Report Definition dialog box as desired,
    3. Click Run Report.

[BCB:165:Chat Fixed Assets US:ECB]

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