How to create/add a SQL asset database in Premier Depreciation
Warning: Keep the Data Source Name as WINFAS32. Changing the Data Source Name will cause unexpected/unpredictable problems.

On the Server where the Sage Fixed Assets - Premier Depreciation Server components are installed:

  1. Go to: Start, Programs, Sage Fixed Assets, Tools, Database Utility – Premier Depreciation & Tracking
  2. Login as a SA (SQL Administrator) user
  3. Click Add
  4. Enter the following:
    1. Logical Database Name: the User Friendly Name you assign
    2. Data Source Name: Leave this as default – WINFAS32
    3. Engine Name: The MS SQL Server name
    4. Physical Database Name: The name of the database as you want it to exist or already exists on the MS SQL Server Machine
  5. Click Next, Browse to the location to put the DATABASE (.mdf) and LOG (.ldf) files or leave them as default.
    • If the SQL server is not the same as the application server, type in the local path relative to the SQL server.
  6. Optionally: The sample data can be loaded
  7. Click Next, Verify that all information is correct, click Finish.

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