How percentage-based taxes are calculated

Percentage-based taxes are OASDI, Medicare, FUTA, SUI, and SDI.


Percentage-based tax calculation formula

  1. YTD taxable pay + Current period taxable pay = Calculated YTD taxable pay
  2. Calculated YTD taxable pay * Percentage rate = Calculated tax for YTD taxable pay
  3. Calculated tax for YTD taxable pay - YTD tax withheld or accrued = Tax to withhold for this payroll


  • YTD taxable pay = $5,000.00
  • Current period taxable pay = $500.00
  • Calculated YTD taxable pay = $5,500.00
  • $5,500.00 * Percentage rate (such as 6.2%) = $341.00
  • $341.00 - YTD tax withheld of $300.00 = $41.00 tax to withhold this payroll



YTD taxable pay      Employees, Maintain Employees, Totals
Current period's taxable pay      Calculated from time card entries
Percentage rate      Taxes, Maintain Tax Tables (OASDI, Medicare, FUTA)
     Taxes, Activate States (SDI, SUI)
YTD tax withheld or accrued      Employees, Maintain Employees, Totals


System limitations on self-adjusting

  • Sage BusinessWorks makes no adjustments for a terminated employee
  • The system won't reduce the tax already withheld on an over-withheld tax. The program calculates $0.00 or a lower amount until it makes up the difference


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Steps to duplicate
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