How do I create an archive or copy of an existing company?

To copy a company

  1. Have all other users exit Sage BusinessWorks.
  2. From the Sage BusinessWorks Launcher, select Utilities, Maintain Companies.
  3. Click OK at the exclusive option message.
  4. Click the Look-up button to select the Company ID that you need to copy.
  5. Select the company and click Accept.
  6. Click the Copy button.
    image of copy company
  7. On the Copy Company screen, enter a new Company ID (for example, PAYROLL2024).
  8. Check the Copy User security to grant users the same user security as the original company.
  9. Then select OK to copy your company and restore to the new company ID.

To create a new company based on data from a copied folder 

  1. Start Sage BusinessWorks.
  2. From the launcher select Utilities, Maintain Companies.
  3. Add the company to restore, using the same ID as the one in the backup.
  4. Browse to Sage\BWData\[Company ID] and delete the folder's contents without deleting the folder itself.
  5. Copy the contents from the old \BWData\Company ID folder to the new location.

 NOTE: If you restored your company from a previous version, you need to update the files to the current version when prompted. 

[BCB:163:Chat BusinessWorks US:ECB]

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