How to recalculate general ledger history and beginning balances

Warning: If there is no transaction detail for the beginning fiscal year included in the recalculation, such as when the detail has not been retained after a year end, the beginning balances for the subsequent year will be set to zero. Recalculate only years in which the entire transaction detail exists.

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How to recalculate general ledger history

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  • The recalculation sums the data for each period in the GL account history tables. This includes the beginning balances for each fiscal year.
  • This data is normally updated through any posting activity in the system where GL is integrated.
  • Discrepancies in the history are typically identified in the GL Trial Balance.

GL Utility:

  • Note: In the case of ending balance or beginning balance discrepancies, begin this procedure for the last fiscal year that contains the correct ending balances  This procedure does not restore nor change beginning balance information for the first fiscal period of the first fiscal year.
  • Do not use this method if you have a wild card in the Retained Earnings account in Set UP GL Options or have used the Retained Earnings account in any journal entry.
  1. Expand General Ledger, GL Utilities, GL Recalculate History.
  2. Select the beginning fiscal year and other applicable options.
  3. Click the Proceed button.

Fiscal Calendar:

  1. Expand General Ledger, GL Setup, Set Up Fiscal Years.
  2. Select the last fiscal year in which the discrepancy did not exist.
  3. Change the ending date of the last period to one day prior to its current value.
  4. Save the changes.
  5. Click Yes at the "Account balances will be recalculated. Do you want to proceed?" prompt.
  6. Change the ending date back to the original value. Click Yes at the "Account balances will be recalculated. Do you want to proceed?" prompt.
  7. Repeat the above steps for each year after the year used in step 2 in consecutive order. 
Steps to duplicate
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