How to use GL Initial Balances or Setup mode


 CAUTION: No audit trail exists to document changes made in the GLINITBAL or SETUP mode. Always make a backup first. Clear the Change Startup Options check box for all users in all companies who do not need to change company totals, or post transactions that do not affect the General Ledger. If necessary, seek the assistance of a qualified Sage Software business partner or Sage Software Customer Support analyst.  
To place a module in SETUP or GLINITBAL mode, the user must have rights to Change Startup Options. To verify rights, perform the following:

  1. Log in to BusinessWorks using the MANAGER user ID.
  2. On the Launcher menu, point to Utilities, and click Maintain Users.
  3. Select the user, and click Security Settings.
  4. Expand System Wide option by clicking on the '+'.
  5. Select the Change Startup Options check box.


To activate the SETUP or GLINITBAL mode in Sage BusinessWorks:

 NOTE: Changes made in SETUP or GLINITBAL mode affect that module only. Inappropriate modifications can result in out-of-balance conditions between modules. For example, payroll checks posted or changes made to employee totals while in SETUP mode are not reflected in payroll posting accounts in the General Ledger. 

Follow the steps below to access the start-up parameters screen:

  1. On the Help menu, click About
  2. Double-click the Sage BusinessWorks text in the logo at the top of the screen.
  3. The Set Start-Up Parameters dialog box appears.
  4. In the Company ID list, click the company.
  5. In the Action list, click the parameter for the GLINITBAL mode or to place a module in SETUP mode. The following table outlines the command and function.
  6. The following table outlines the command and function.



@@DO GLINITBAL General Ledger Initial Balances mode
@@DO CMSETUP Cash Management SETUP mode
@@DO APSETUP Accounts Payable SETUP mode
@@DO ARSETUP Accounts Receivable SETUP mode (also places Order Entry in SETUP mode)
@@DO ICSETUP Inventory Control SETUP mode (also places Order Entry in SETUP mode)

Payroll SETUP mode
 NOTE: Please see the document Payroll SETUP Mode for special considerations and information before going into Payroll SETUP mode
Payroll Setup Mode.pdf

General Ledger Initial Balances (GLINITBAL) mode:

After activating this parameter, all users with rights to Enter Initial Account Balances can change initial balances until the next G/L month-end close.

Perform the following:

  1. On the GL menu, point to Accounts.
  2. Click Enter Initial Account Balances.

 NOTE: Disabling the GLINITBAL parameter: The GLINITBAL parameter allows you to access the Accounts, Enter Initial Account Balances option until you close the current month in the General Ledger. 

SETUP mode (all modules except General Ledger and Job Cost):
After initiating the SETUP mode parameter, the module remains in SETUP mode until a user responds No to the query, "OK to stay in SETUP mode?" During that time transactions posted in SETUP affect that module only and do not post to General Ledger.

Order Entry SETUP mode: Order Entry is automatically placed in SETUP mode when SETUP mode is activated for either Accounts Receivable or Inventory Control.

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Startups Parameters.pdf