How to modify the tax table allowances, limits, and rates

[BCB:5:Third-party support:ECB]
  1. Open Payroll, Taxes, Maintain Tax Tables.
  2. Click  (Lookup), and select the desired state, or select "US" for Federal.
  3. If editing an allowance, limit, or rate such as SDI, SUI or OASDI, click Allowances, Limits and Rates.
    Federal State
    Image of Federal Allowances screen Image of State Allowances screen
  4. To edit a specific tax table, click the desired table, such as Table 1 (Single) or Table 2 (Married).
  5. Make edits to the tax table as desired, and click OK.
  6. Click Save.


 NOTE: Sage uses the Annual Tax Tables for Federal and State income tax withholdings. 


[BCB:163:Chat BusinessWorks US:ECB]

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