Error: "No valid activation found!" (with no other text) when accessing or starting up Sage 100 ERP

Invalid Registration keys entered in Product Registration

Serial Number, Unlock / User Key combination are invalid

[BCB:1:Backup warning:ECB]
[BCB:3:Network warning:ECB]

Contact Sales, Product Registration to validate or issue updated registration keys

Perform either of the following procedures:

  • Restore Activate.pvx from backup
  • Modify $ACTPVX.BAT with valid Serial Number and Unlock/User key info

Restore ACTIVATE.PVX and re-activate the system with the correct Serial Number

  1. Rename Activate.pvx located in ..\MAS90\Home\Lib\Keys folder
  2. Restore Activate.pvx from backup
  3. Access Sage ERP
  4. Open File, Register. Select Registration, click Edit
  5. Enter Registration Information, click Activate. click OK to Activation was successful windows.
  6. Exit Sage ERP and reenter to check for error.

Activate the System from Windows Explorer.

  1. Browse to ..\Mas90\Home\$ACTPVX.BAT. Right click and choose Edit.
  2. Enter the correct System Activation Serial Number and verify that only one space exists before and after the Serial Number.
    Note: The serial number will be the block of characters following "-S " (e.g. "-S 0123456 -K ")
  3. Verify the Unlocking / User Key is also correct. It will only be the first 18 digits beginning with a "P" (e.g. -K P123456789012345678)
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Double-click the $Actpvx.bat to execute. Command prompt window should open with Echo off displaying on the screen with no additional messages. The system will now be activated.
    Note: Once activated, restart Sage 100 ERP and enter the correct serial number in Product Registration.
  6. Open File, Register. Select Registration, click Edit
  7. Enter Registration Information, click Activate. click OK to Activation was successful windows.
  8. Exit Sage ERP and reenter to check for error.

Note: If above steps do not resolve issue and system was previously working, restore the following folders from a backup:

  • ..\MAS90\Home
  • ..\MAS90\Launcher
  • ..\MAS90\MAS_System
  • ..\MAS90\SOA
  • ..\MAS90\SY

DocLink: How to install and register additional modules?
DocLink: Error: "Cannot Open Activation Key File - No Valid Activation Found" when starting Sage 100

[BCB:155:Chat 100 US:ECB]
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