How do I create a new contract item?
  1. In Contracts, select File, Open Contract.
  2. Select the Active record and then select the contract.
  3. Click OK.
  4. If there are existing contract items, select a contract item that closely matches your new contract item.
  5. Select Edit, Add Contract Item.
  6. Enter the new contract item ID.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Enter or change information as needed on the various tabs of the new contract item.
    1. Note:  The prefix on the Accounts tab will not prefill from the Contract item you selected before adding this new contract item.  Base accounts will prefill.
  9. If you do not wish to approve the contract item at this time, close the contract. Your information is saved.
  10. To approve the contract, first confirm the following:
    1. Make sure contract amounts are entered on the Contract tab.
    2. Make sure the job (and extra, if used) are linked on the General tab, if appropriate.
    3. If you track taxes in Accounts Receivable, select a Tax Group on the Tax tab.
  11. Once those items are correct, on the General tab, move the Status slider to Approved, and then close the contract. Note: Approved contract items can be unapproved by using Unapprove Contract Items from the Tasks menu, but only if certain conditions are met.
  12. In the warning message, click Yes.
  13. Click Start.

For additional information on how to create items, refer the the Contracts Help topic, "Adding contract items."

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