| How do I set up reciprocity between states that do not have the same kinds of state taxes? |
Resolution | Create a zero amount formula: - In Payroll, from the Tools menu, select Formulas.
- Click New.
- Enter "0" and click OK.
- Enter Zero Amount, click OK, and then click Close.
Create a zero formula tax: - From the Setup menu, select Taxes, Tax Rates.
- Enter a Tax ID for the work state. Note: Use the same naming structure for the ID of the fictitous equivalent tax. They must be of Similar Length for Tax reporting within Aatrix and you would use the same 2 digit state abbreviation. For instance a fictitous equivalent tax ID for a Withholding tax for Florida would be entered as "FLSWH".
- Enter "Dummy [tax name]" in the Description. For example, type "Dummy Florida Withholding."
- Under Tax Level, select State.
- Under Tax Type, select the correct type.
- Under Table Type, select No table.
- Check the Employer Tax check box, if it applies.
- Use List to select the zero amount formula in the Formula field.
- Click Save.
Add the zero formula tax to the correct Tax Group: - From the Setup menu, select Taxes, Tax Groups.
- Under Tax level, select State.
- In the Tax group field, enter the work state tax group.
- Use List to add the zero amount tax to the table.
- Click Accept table, click Accept, and then click Close.
Set up the reciprocity: - From the Setup menu, select Taxes, Reciprocity.
- Under Tax level, select State.
- Enter the resident state abbreviation in the Residence box.
- Enter the work state abbreviation in the Work place box.
- Under Tax ID, click List and select the tax for the work state you want to setup the agreement for.
- Under Reciprocal Tax ID, click List and select the resident state tax.
- Under Agree Type, select Replace.
- Click Accept table and then click Close.
NOTE: Sage is not responsible for the improper setup of a Global Reciprocity Agreement. Setup your Global and Employee Reciprocity agreements as per your State Instructions/Agreements. Sage recommends that the ID used for your replacement or fictitious equivalent tax id's must have the same structure. The 2 digit abbreviation of the State the agreement is for, along with the abbreviated type of tax. For example, a fictitious equivalent tax id for Florida withholding would be FLSWH, a fictitious equivalent tax for Florida disability employee tax would be FLSDI. You would setup a fictitious equivalent tax for each state which is going to be used on a reciprocity agreement. Do not setup a fictitious equivalent tax outside of this naming convention or structure. Why is my tax reciprocity table not working? How do I add a reciprocity in employee setup? How do I set up tax reciprocity between two states? How do I set up tax reciprocity between states or local tax jurisdictions?