How do I add Domain Administrator credentials to Pervasive/Actian/Zen services?

Adding Domain Administrator credentials to the Pervasive/Actian/Zen Database services running on a server will allow the services to run as the Domain Administrator instead of the default logon of Local System. This set up for the service logon allows the services to communicate directly with the server bypassing security settings that may be interfering with the communication between the services and workstations.

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Notes: This article provides the steps to add Domain Administrator Credentials to server log on for Pervasive/Actian/Zen services. This must be done to the server and affected workstations. Since the services will need to be restarted, all users must be logged out of Sage before the change can be done on the server.


  1. Have all Sage/Timberline users log out of Sage and remain out for this procedure.
  2. Go to StartRUN, then type in SERVICES.MSC click Ok.
  3. The Services Console window will open.
  4. Modify the services:
    1. Versions 24.1 and earlier:
      1. Locate and right-click Pervasive or Actian PSQL Relational service and select Properties.
        1. Go to the Log On tab.
        2. Select Log on as: This account.
        3. Enter the DOMAIN\ADMINISTRATOR account and password.
        4. Right-click the service and select Restart.
      2. Locate and right-click Pervasive or Actian PSQL Transactional service and select Properties.
        1. Go to the Log On tab.
        2. Select Log on as: This account.
        3. Enter the DOMAIN\ADMINISTRATOR account and password.
        4. Right-click the service and select Restart.
    2. Versions 24.2 and later:
      1. Locate and right-click Actian Zen Enterprise Server service and select Properties.
        1. Go to the Log On tab.
        2. Select Log on as: This account.
        3. Enter the DOMAIN\ADMINISTRATOR account and password.
        4. Right-click the service and select Restart.


Note: These same steps may be implemented when Pervasive/Actian WGE Service is used on Terminal Server or Citrix Server instead of Pervasive/Actian PSQL Relational and Pervasive/Actian PSQL Transactional Services.

Steps to duplicate
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