Error: "3504 - Charge Date is beyond the next recovery period. Recoveries must be reconciled prior to posting."

There is no total amount field available for the charges to accumulate for that recovery period.

When you post charges that are included in recovery calculations, Property Management tries to update the Charges this period or Charges next period fields but the Charge Date on your charge is more than two years beyond your Recovery to date.

To view the Charges this period, Charges next period, and Recovery from and to fields:

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Manage Leases, Change Lease.
  2. Select the lease.
  3. Select the Recur Chgs tab.
  4. In the Recovery Controls column, click ...> for the appropriate charge type.
  5. Note the fields on the Recovery Controls tab.

For example, your Recovery to date is 12/2012 but you are trying to post charges with a charge date in 2014. The system cannot update the Charges this period field because those are year 2012 accumulated totals. It cannot update the Charges next period field because those are year 2013 accumulated totals.


Process recoveries, modify your date and amount fields, or deactivate the Recoveries process:

  • Choose Option A if you want to process recoveries for the date range specified by the recovery to and from dates.
  • Choose Option B if you do not want to process recoveries for the date range specified by the the recovery to and from dates but still plan on processing recoveries in the future.
  • Choose Option C if you want to deactivate the recovery.

Option A:

  • Process recoveries for at least one recovery period. This process rolls the dates and the amounts in the Charges this period and Charges next period fields. If you do not want to post these recovery charges, verify that your Property Management Posting Setting is Manual (File, Company Settings, PM Settings, Post and Interface Settings).
  1. From the Tasks menu, select Recoveries and Escalations, Reconcile and Escalate.
  2. Select the appropriate property from the list, limit the selection list if necessary, and then click OK.
  3. Do not select the Post Entries check box.
  4. Click Start to run the recovery process.
  5. From the Inquiry menu, select Transaction Information.
  6. Select New and click OK.
  7. Verify that there are no other transactions in your New file.
    • Note: If you do not want to post these recovery charges, use File Tools to rename the new.pmt. For more information about using File Tools to rename a file, refer to article 17891 "How do I rename a file using File Tools?"

Option B:

  • If you do not want to process recoveries for the date range specified by the recovery to and from dates but still plan on using recoveries, use Audit setup activity to change the date and amount fields in your recovery setup.
  1. Verify that no one else is using Sage 300 CRE applications.
  2. From the Tools menu, select Options, select the Audit setup activity check box, and then click OK.
  3. From the Tasks menu, select Manage Leases, Change Lease.
  4. If prompted, click Start to print the audit report.
  5. Click the Recur Chgs tab, and then click ...> in the Recovery Controls column.
  6. Change the following fields:
    • Enter the current date range or next time period that you will process recoveries in the Recovery to and Recovery from boxes.
    • Update the amounts in the Charges this period and Charges next period boxes. For example, if you change the dates by one year, enter the amount from the Charges next period in the Charges this period, and clear out the Charges next period box.
  7. Repeat these steps for each appropriate lease.
  8. Clear the Audit setup activity check box when you are finished.

Option C:

  • If you have recovery controls set up but you do not use them or do not plan to use them, deactivate the recovery.
  1. From the Tasks menu, select Manage Leases, Change Lease.
  2. Click the Recur Chgs tab, and then click ...> in the Recovery Controls column.
  3. Clear the Active Recovery check box. By clearing this box, no charges accumulate into the Charges this period and Charges next period boxes.
  4. Repeat these steps for each charge on every lease on which you do not want to run recoveries.
    • Notes:
      • For future leases, you can clear this box on the property so that it does not prefill on new leases (Setup, Properties, Chg Controls, Recovery Controls).
      • If you are sure that you will not be processing recoveries on the lease in the future, you can delete the recovery controls by clicking Delete in the Recovery Controls Setup window.
DocLink: How do I rename a file using File Tools?
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