| How do I set up workers' compensation to calculate owner credit for an OCIP job without calculating an amount? |
Resolution |
- Set up a cost code WC table as follows:
- In Payroll, from the Setup menu, select Other Table , Cost Code WC Table.
- Enter a unique workers' compensation group ID for the no premium group, for example OCIP.
- Press ENTER.
- Click List, select the first cost code ID in the range of cost codes (to which this workers' compensation code applies) in the From Cost Code column, and then click OK.
- Click List, select the last cost code ID in the range of cost codes in the Thru Cost Code column, and then click OK.
Tip: If a code applies to a single cost code, enter the same cost code in both columns. If the cost code is not used for labor and is only used for WC Fringe setup, include this cost code on the OCIP WC Cost Code table.
- In the WC Code column, type a unique workers' compensation code. For example 9999 or OCIP.
- Repeat steps 1d though 1f for each applicable range of cost codes.
- Click Accept line, Accept table, and Close.
- Create a new formula as follows:
- From the Tools menu, select Formulas.
- Click New.
- Type .00, click OK, then type Work Comp No Prem.
- Click OK and then click Close.
- Set up the WC Fringe as follows:
- From the Setup menu, select Fringes , WC.
- Press the TAB key and then click Table.
- Type the WC state, type the unique WC code from step 1f above, and press the TAB key three times.
- Click List, select the Work Comp No Prem formula, and then click OK.
- Click Accept table, Save, and Close.
- In Job Cost, add the workers' compensation group to the job setup as follows:
- From the Setup menu, select Jobs.
- Click List, select the job ID, and then click OK.
- Click the Scope, PR and EQ tab and press the TAB key.
- In the Workers' comp group select the group ID (set up in step 1).
- Click Save and then click Close.
When you process Payroll, a workers' compensation amount does not calculate. However, the WC check detail does show the WC code with a zero rate, amount, and basis. This allows you to print reports on the WC code to determine how much to credit the owner. This will also only work when using a posted check running the WC check detail report on a processed new check will not appear.
DocLink: How do I set up a workers' compensation fringe? DocLink: How do I delete a Cost Code Workers Comp Group?