Record Payments by Credit Card or Record Manual/Print Quick Checks created an out of balance AP batch

The Accounts Payable task Record Payments by Credit Card or Record Manual/Print Quick Checks created an out of balance batch when the invoice was entered and paid at the same time. The invoice record shows it invoiced and paid for the correct amount, but the distribution record shows an incorrect Amount but with the correct Amount paid. The transactions sent to General Ledger credited the correct amount but the debit to the expense account for that distribution is the incorrect amount. 

One or more of the following issues may exist on the records: 

  • Payment or check is more than invoice amount
  • Amount is missing on the AP Invoice transaction record
  • Amount is missing on the AP Distribution record

The cause is unknown at this time. Please provide Customer Support with details about the entry of this batch.

Note: It is not known at this time if this situation will look exactly the same each time. Therefore, each situation should be evaluated before proceeding with the solution.

Correct the invoice in Accounts Payable:

  1. In Accounts Payable from the Tasks menu, select Change Invoices.
  2. Select the Vendor and Invoice.
  3. Enter through to the distribution. Enter the correct Amount on the distribution.
  4. Click Accept Dist, then Accept Invoice and Finish.

This will create a debit to expense and a credit to accounts payable. The credit to accounts payable is not needed and causes the batch to still be out of balance.

Correct the batch in General Ledger:

  1. In General Ledger from Reports, select Entries, Entries by Batch.
  2. Select the New file and click Preview.
  3. Review the batch and make note of the credit entry to the accounts payable account causing the batch to be out of balance.
  4. From the File menu, select Company Settings, GL Settings, Processing Options.
  5. Mark the box for Edit Transactions created outside GL.
  6. Note the current Force Zero Proof setting then change it to No.
  7. Click OK twice to exit.
  8. From the Tasks menu, select Change Entries.
  9. Select the New transaction file.
  10. Find the transaction noted in step 3 and delete it.
  11. Click Finish.
  12. You will receive a message that it's out of proof. Click Yes to continue.
  13. Run the Entries by Batch report again on the new file to confirm that the batch is now in balance.
  14. From the Tasks menu, select Post Entries to post the batch.
  15. From the File menu, select Company Settings, GL Settings, Processing Options.
  16. Clear the box for Edit Transactions created outside GL.
  17. Changed the Force Zero Proof back to it's original noted in step 6.
  18. Click OK twice to exit.
Steps to duplicate
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