Create the formulas These formulas are provided as an example. Adjust the tax level and tax ID as needed. Use these steps to create a formula. Transfer tax fields To see the transfer tax fields, go to Setup, Employee, Tax, and scroll to the end of the table. - If you use transfer tax fields, create the formulas in rows 1-3 of the table
- If you don't use transfer tax fields, create the formula in row 4 of the table
Formulas These formulas use the percentage from the tax ID found under Setup, Taxes, Tax Rates. Formula ID | Formula | Notes | PRFUTA_E_YTDSUBJ | Lookup (YTD Subject-to [PR Employee Tax], Employee [PR Check], 1, "FUTA_E") + Lookup (Transfer Subj-to [PR Employee Tax], Employee [PR Check], 1, "FUTA_E") | - This formula retrieves the year-to-date subject-to amount
- In this example, "FUTA_E" is the tax ID for the tax that will self-adjust
- The 1 in the formula represents the tax level (1 = Federal, 2 = State, 3 = City)
| PRFUTA_E_YTDTAX | Lookup (YTD Tax [PR Employee Tax], Employee [PR Check], 1, "FUTA_E") + Lookup (Transfer Tax [PR Employee Tax], Employee [PR Check], 1, "FUTA_E") | - This formula retrieves the year-to-date tax paid amount
- In this example, "FUTA_E" is the tax ID for the tax that will self-adjust
- The 1 in the formula represents the tax level (1 = Federal, 2 = State, 3 = City)
| PRFUTA_E | PRFUTA_E_YTDSUBJ [Public Formula] * Lookup (Percent [PR Tax], "FUTA_E") - PRFUTA_E_YTDTAX [Public Formula] | - This is the formula that actually calculates the tax
- This formula uses the amounts calculated by the other two formulas
- This formula changes the rate to what is specified in Setup, Taxes, Tax Rates and self-adjusts back to the beginning of the year
| PRFUTA_E | Lookup (YTD Subject-to [PR Employee Tax], Employee [PR Check], 1, "FUTA_E") * Lookup (Percent [PR Tax], "FUTA_E") - Lookup (YTD Tax [PR Employee Tax], Employee [PR Check], 1, "FUTA_E") | - Use this formula if you don’t use the transfer fields on the master file
- This formula calculates the tax
- In this example, "FUTA_E" is the tax ID for the tax that will self-adjust
- The 1 in the formula represents the tax level (1 = Federal, 2 = State, 3 = City)
| Update the tax setup Change the tax setup to use the formula you created. - Go to Setup, Taxes, Tax Rates.
- Enter the Tax ID.
- Click in the Formula field and click List.
- Select the formula and click OK. For example, PRFUTA-E in the table above.
- Click Save and then Close.