How do the calculation frequency check boxes affect checks when I process payroll?

Calculation frequencies affect how auto pays, auto deductions, or auto fringes process.

Pays, deductions, and fringes are set up in either the employee master file (Setup, Employees) or union class table (Setup, Unions, Locals). During the setup, you select the calculation frequency (default is Check) for that pay, deduction, or fringe.

When you process payroll, select the appropriate calculation frequencies to calculate auto pays, auto deductions, and auto fringes.  If a match is found between your selection in process payroll and the calculation frequency specified for an item set up to automatically calculate for an employee (Setup, Employees) or for a union (Setup, Unions, Locals) to which an employee belongs, the pay, deduction, or fringe will calculate.

If you do not select any calculation frequencies when you process payroll, only taxes calculate on the check.

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