How do I post checks in Payroll using conditions?
  1. From the Tasks menu, select Post Checks, and then click Conditions.
    NOTE: When posting with conditions, you will get a message: "Posting with conditions may cause the Withdrawal entry in CM to be inaccurate. Continue anyway?" This is just a cautionary message.
  2. In the Field list, select the field that you want to use in your condition (For example, you can select Period End Date).
  3. In the Operator list, select Equal to.
  4. In the Value field, enter the value for the checks you want to post.
    For example: When Period End Date is selected under the Field, enter the date of the desired Period End Date. If you selected Employee in the Field, enter the employee ID.
  5. Click OK and review the condition.
  6. Click OK to accept the condition.
  7. Click Start to begin posting checks.
DocLink: How do I Post Checks in Payroll?
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