Why is Generate Accounts not creating the full accounts I expect in General Ledger?

Based on the Account type of the base account selected and the prefix selected, the full account it would create does not fit with the Balance Sheet Level.

  • If the base account has a balance sheet account type (Asset, Liability, Equity, Retained Earnings) and the prefix selected is a profit and loss (P&L) level prefix, the account will not be created.
  • If the base account has a P&L account type (Income, Cost, Expense, Other Income) and the prefix selected is a balance sheet level prefix, the account will not be created.

Refer to article 18816 "How does General Ledger generate accounts?" for more information.

  • Confirm that the base account selected has the correct Account type assigned in Setup, Prefix/Base, Base Accounts.
  • Confirm you are selecting the correct prefix when generating accounts.
  • Confirm the balance sheet level assignment is correct (Reports, Lists, Prefix A).
    • If you determine that the balance sheet level is set incorrectly, refer to article 25183 "Can I change the balance sheet or fiscal entity level in General Ledger?"
DocLink: How does General Ledger generate accounts?
DocLink: Can I change the balance sheet or fiscal entity level in General Ledger?
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