Payroll Direct Deposit or Vendor ACH Setup Options
  1. Go to 7-1 Company Information, Click the Payroll Direct Deposit Setup tab.
  2. Complete the following in the Company bank information for direct deposit section
    1. In the Routing# text box, enter your company’s bank routing number
    2. In the Accounting# text box, enter your company’s bank account number.
    3. In the Account Type, select your company’s bank account type.
  3. In the Options for direct deposit ACH file section, fill out and select the appropriate options for your direct deposit ACH file:
    1. Origin Bank Name.optional bank name for the 'Immediate Origin Bank Name ' field
    2. Destination Bank Name.optional bank name for the 'Immediate Destination Bank Name' field
    3. Optional Bank Routing#.optional bank routing number for the 'Immediate Destination' field
    4. ID Code Designator (ICD).select blank or any number between 1 and 9 for the company identification fields.
    5. For 'Immediate Origin Name' in file header record, select your company name or Origin Bank Name
    6. For 'Immediate Destination Name in file header record, select blank or Destination Bank Name
    7. For 'Immediate Origin' in file header record, select your company FEIN or your routing#
    8. For 'Immediate Destination' in file header record, select your routing# or Optional Bank Routing#
    9. For File formatting options, select or clear the check boxes appropriate to the preferences of your financial institution.
    10. Do the exact same steps for the Vendor ACH file under the Vendor ACH Payment Setup.
  • Include Company Debit Line: This will put a line with the amount of this ACH file in line M of the ACH file
  • Include Optional Hard Return: This inserts a new line symbol after each 94 characters.
  • Include Optional ‘9’ fill: This adds multiple “9”s to the end of the ACH file so that there is an exact multiple of 940 characters in a file.

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