Are virtual machines (VM or VMs) supported?
[BCB:5:Third-party support:ECB]
  • Although Sage has no written documentation endorsing the use of virtual machines, virtual machines in general should work with Sage products. However, Sage does not troubleshoot VM issues.
  • It is in fact virtual machine vendors (VMware, Microsoft etc.) who advertise and promote their VM products (VMware or Hyper-V) as compatible with Microsoft Windows and Windows applications such as Sage products. As a result, Sage makes no guarantees of compatibility issues. All compatibility issues are solely between VM vendors and customers.
  • Document Management (specifically the DocuVault server) and License Manager (for Sage Estimating) use USB protection devices. When using USB protection devices with virtual machines, the physical server (VM host server) hosting your VM operating systems must be running a VM software that has USB pass-through capability. Your VM software vendor (i.e. VMware or Microsoft) can confirm if your VM software has this capability.
  • If your VM software does not have USB pass-through capability or you cannot get the virtualized LM or DocuVault server to recognize the USB protection device, you will need to install LM or DocuVault to a dedicated physical computer or to the VM host server itself.
  • Some customers have had success using USB over IP devices and software such as AnywhereUSB. When using such devices, it is recommended to delay the start of services dependent on the USB protection device (for Document Management the Cypress service and for Sage Estimating the Sentinel RMS License Manager service). Sage support is unable offer assistance troubleshooting these devices.
  • Be aware that due to the very nature of VMs running within another operating system layer of the physical host computer, even if you dedicate resources to a VM (i.e. 16 processor cores and 32 GB RAM), VMs in general will run slower than a physical computer. If the physical host computer is being taxed, the VM may run slowly even if typical performance symptoms do not show in Task Manager or Resource Monitor, which means if you are logged into the VM, you will not notice high CPU or disk usage, yet there will be performance slowness.

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