Product Update Prescan Newer versions of Sage 100 may prompt to scan data files before installing product update - this will depend on the product update and if any changes to data tables are part of the product update. It is recommended to allow the prescan to run for if an issue with data files are found then it will summarize what is found and you may repair those data files (typically rebuild key files and sort files) and then re-run the product update. If a prescan is not done and there are data problems then this may cause the product update to get stuck or fail. As there is not an undo, you will need to restore from the backup that was done prior to the product update install. All users should be out of Sage 100 when running a product update and it must be installed on the Sage 100 server itself. The Product Update prescan may take some time depending on the type of data being scanned and the data contained there (history files would have much more data) and the number of companies in the install.