What is the default plan share cost in Payroll ACA Settings used for?

The Default plan share cost in Payroll settings (File, Company Settings, PR Settings, ACA Settings) will prefill the Employee Share of Premium (Tasks, ACA ComplianceDetails) for all employees unless a Plan share amt amount is specified for the employee (Setup, Employees, ACA Coverage tab).

The IRS defines the plan share cost as the amount of the employee share of the lowest-cost monthly premium for self-only minimum essential coverage providing minimum value that is offered to the employee.

Enter the lowest-cost monthly premium for self-only minimum essential coverage providing minimum value that is offered to the employee. This amount may not be the amount the employee is paying for the coverage, for example, if the employee chose to enroll in more expensive coverage such as family coverage.

For more information, contact the IRS or visit www.irs.gov.

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