How can I edit my Macro?

When you change a macro, you modify the steps that were originally set up. You can add, delete, insert, or change steps in a macro. You may need to modify a macro if it is not working properly or if it needs additional or fewer steps.

  1. In the application that is the source of the macro steps, select Tools, Macros. If you are creating a PR Macro, start in Payroll.
  2. In the Macros window, click Open.
  3. Select the macro you want to change, and then click Open.
  4. Modify the macro by clicking Add Step to add a step at the end of the step list (leave the pop-up window "Add Step" open while selecting a task to add), Insert Step to insert a step above the selected step, Delete Step to remove the selected step, or Change Step to modify the selected step. You can change the file used in the step, change where the output prints, or continue with the next macro step if a macro step is unsuccessful.
    • Tip: You can double-click a macro step to change it or view your selections.
  5. Click Save to save the changes to the open macro. If you want to save the changed macro with a new name instead, click Save As, type the new name for the macro, and click Save.
  6. When you are finished, click Close to close the Macros window.
  7. Run the changed macro to test if it is working properly.

For more information about Macros, refer to the Help Topics in the software.

Defect ID
Steps to duplicate
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