Error: "Unrecognizable file format" when selecting a file to import into Sage Fixed Assets

An unsupported file format was selected when saving the import file (example: .CSV for Macintosh or MS-DOS).

The file must be saved in a format that is supported by Sage Fixed Assets and closed in Excel before importing.

Option 1:

  1. Open the import document in Excel or other worksheet program.
  2. Go to File, Save As.
  3. The Save as Type or File Format must be set to one of the following file types:
    • CSV (Comma Delimited); this is the file type that we most highly recommend
    • Excel Workbook (*.xlsx)
    • Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls)
  4. Save the file to a local drive of the machine where the client that is running the import is installed.
  5. In the Sage Fixed Assets Depreciation Import Helper utility, select the newly saved file to be imported.

Option 2:

  1. Open the import document in Excel or other worksheet program.
  2. Highlight everything and copy to a new workbook.
  3. Save the new workbook using one of the file formats above.
  4. Import again using the new file.

[BCB:165:Chat Fixed Assets US:ECB]

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