How do I migrate my SQL Estimating Data from one SQL Server to another SQL server? (SQL)




On the Old Server:
1. Check-in all checked out database in Database Editor.
2. Use the Sage Estimating Management Console (Tools / Backup) to Backup all Databases (Estimate Database, Standard Databases, and Address Book Database).
3. Copy the *.BAK files to a place that can be accessed from the new server.
4. Use License Administration XX.X to De-Authorize the License Server.
On the New Server: 
1. Install SQL Server Standard / Enterprise and create a SQL Instance.
2. Install Sage Estimating
3. Use License Administration XX.X to Authorize the License Server.
4. Use the Sage Estimating Management Console (Tools / Restore) to Restore all Databases (Estimate Database, Standard Databases, and Address Book Database).
Steps to duplicate
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Review the Attachment: SageEstimatingSQLServerGuide.pdf