Correct a W-2, 1099, or ACA file selected for eFiling

W-2 or ACA forms

  1. Select PR, Taxes, Enhanced Tax Reporting and eFiling.
  2. Select the Existing form radio button.
  3. Click OK.
  4. On the Open Report screen, select the form you wish to correct and click Edit.
  5. This will bring up the History File Options dialog. Choose the option you want to perform: Reprint Completed, eFile or Print Incomplete, Correct Completed, or Start Over.


  1. Select AP, Vendors, 1099 Processing.
  2. Choose the radio button next to Open saved 1099s and click OK.
  3. On the Open Report screen, select the form you wish to correct and click Edit.
  4. This will bring up the History File Options dialog. Choose the option you want to perform: Reprint Completed, eFile or Print Incomplete, Correct Completed, or Start Over.

For further instructions, including correction steps when eFiling see Replacing / Resubmitting an eFiling.

For any questions regarding correcting eFiling or the eFiling process contact Aatrix at 701-746-6814 or visit Aatrix Support.

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