Where can I find the latest update for Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate?

Choose one of the options below:

Option A: Sage City All product updates, news, and alerts are posted to Sage City. Sign up to get email communications when an update is available. KB 96152: DocLink: Where can I find the latest release, tax update, product update, or version of Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate?

Option B: Sage Knowledgebase:

  1. Navigate to https://support.na.sage.com
  2. Login with your user name and password.
  3. Under Support by Product, click Select your product.
  4. Click Sage 300 CRE.
  5. Review the updates listed under Latest Updates.
DocLink: How can I receive notices for Sage 300 CRE announcements, alerts, and software updates?
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