Error: "Unable to install failed to install new SQL instance" (Manual Reinstall)

The login account to install the SQL Server Database Engine doesn't have the necessary permissions to complete the installation.


Manually reinstall SQL Server 2019 using the System account

  1. Verify that the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8 items are installed and enabled on the machine.
  2. Verify you're logged in to the machine with a Windows local computer administrator account and not an MSN or passport account.
  3. Open Windows File Explorer.
  4. Browse to the C:\Sage100Con\Downloads folder.
  5. In this folder, right-click on SQLEXPRADV_x64_ENU.exe.  Select Run as administrator. Click OK.
  6. When the installation window appears, click New SQL Server stand-alone installation.
  7. When the pre-checker is finished, click Next.
  8. Choose the option "Perform a new installation of SQL Server 2019." Click Next.
  9. Select the box to accept license terms and click Next.
  10. Click Select All then click Next.
  11. Choose the option for Name instance. Type SAGE100CON in the field then click in the Instance ID: field (This populates the name of the SQL instance). Click Next.
  12. On the Server Configuration page line that reads SQL Server Database Engine click the dropdown arrow in the Account Name box, then select < >.
  13. Type the word "System" (without the quotes) and click OK.
  14. Click the Collation tab, next to the Service Accounts tab.
  15. The collation should read exactly SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS. If it doesn't, then follow the steps below. If it does, skip to Step 18.
  16. Click the Customize button.
  17. From the SQL collation dropdown selection window in the middle, scroll down and select SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS (the selections look similar.  Be sure to choose the correct one).
  18. Click OK.
  19. Click Next.
  20. On the next screen, select Mixed Mode. Type in a "sa" (SQL Administrator) password.  This password must be at least eight characters long begin with a letter and include a number and a special character. This password will be the '"sa"' or "SQL Administrator" password for Database Administration for Sage 100 Contractor password.
  21. Click Add Current User.
  22. Click Next, then Next again.
  23. Continue through the rest of the installation (this will take several minutes).
  24. When the installation is complete, click Close, then close the installation window.
  25. Test connecting to the new SAGE100CON SQL Server instance by opening and logging into Database Administration for Sage 100 Contractor.
     NOTE: When prompted, deselect the items outlined in red as they're not required for Sage 100 Contractor. Use all other default selections throughout the installation.   

SQL Server Instance Features

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