Sage Paperless Construction: How do I get the latest version?

You can find information about the latest versions in the SPC Release Notes for Sage 300 CRE or SPC Release Notes for Sage 100 Contractor. Expand the menu to locate the notes.

Update Sage Paperless Construction Server:

Follow these steps to update an existing install of Sage Paperless Construction.

  1. Have all users exit Sage Paperless Construction.
  2. At the Sage Paperless Construction server, launch SPC Server Dashboard (Start, All Programs, Sage Paperless Construction).
    Note: If Microsoft User Access Control is enabled, you’ll want to right-click on SPC Server Dashboard and select Run as administrator.
  3. Click the Services On / Off button in the bottom left to turn off the services. The light bulb will turn gray.
    Note: If you are on a version that doesn’t have this button you’ll need to perform the following to stop the services.
    1. Select the Web Service tab and click Stop.
    2. Select the Job Poll Service tab and click Stop.
    3. Select the App Service tab and click Stop.
  4. Select the Deployment tab.
  5. Click the Live Update button in the middle of the window. This will display the Configure and Deploy buttons below the tab.
  6. Click Deploy. The software will download the latest version from the Sage Paperless Construction server. This may take several minutes.
  7. When the download is complete, a SQL Administration Login screen will display.
    1. Enter the Sage Paperless Construction SQL Admin username and password. This is generally the sa account. If you don’t know the password and you’re logged in as a SQL sysadmin account, you can use Windows Authentication.
    2. Click OK.
  8. A window will display asking if you would like to back up the database before applying the update.
    1. Click Yes.
    2. If prompted, enter the path for the backup then click OK. This must be a path local on the SQL server.
  9. When the update is complete, a window will display confirming the deployment applied successfully. It will also remind you to restart the App and Job Poll Services. Click OK.
  10. Click the Services On / Off button in the bottom left of the window. The light bulb will "turn on."
  11. Click Close at the bottom of the window.

Update Sage Paperless Construction Client:
Note: Confirm that pvault.exe isn’t running on the terminal server or workstation. If a user incorrectly disconnected and didn’t log off, this could be left running and you may need to manually end the process.

  • Connect to any terminal servers as the administrator and run pVaultUpdater.exe from C:\Program Files (x86)\Sage Paperless Construction\Local Client.
  • Updates should automatically update at the next launch of Sage Paperless Construction from the start menu on the workstation. Go to Start, All Programs, Sage Paperless Construction, Paperless Construction.
    Note: Users who have pinned or created short cuts to pVault.exe will need to lunch the pVaultUpdater from the start menu or program files.

[BCB:154:Chat 100 Contractor US:ECB]

Steps to duplicate
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