How to manually post Accounts Receivable recurring invoices

Step 1:  Set user permissions 

  1. Log in to Sage BusinessWorks as Manager.
  2. Go to System, Utilities, Maintain Users.
  3. Select the user that needs access to post recurring invoices manually.
  4. Click Security Settings.
  5. Expand AR, Transactions, Maintain AR Parameters, then select Recurring invoices.
     NOTE: A cautionary message will pop up, advising against toggling between printing recurring invoices at the close or manually posting them.

Step 2:  Select the option to post manually.

  1. Go to AR, Utilities, Maintain A/R Parameters.
  2. Check the box for Post recurring invoices manually.

Step 3:  Post recurring invoice manually

  1. Go to AR, Transactions, Recurring Invoices, Post Manually.
     NOTE: A cautionary message will pop up, advising the possibility of duplicate invoices if posted previously at close.
  2. Select Include all or enter a range of customers.
  3. Select to Post invoices for 'This month' or 'Next Month'.
  4. Select Type of note to include.
  5. Select to Post and Print or Post Only.



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Steps to duplicate
Related Solutions

For instructions on setting up recurring AR invoices, see How to process recurring Accounts Receivable invoices.