How to add sick or vacation time on check stub
NOTE: To edit the stub:

  1. Select PR, Utilities, Maintain PR Forms
  2. Select the check stub you currently use and select Edit
  3. Add appropriate fields. For more instructions see How can I edit my forms? 
      • DBText Fields you may want to add to your payroll check form are: "Employee hours: Sick pay earned", "Employee hours: Sick pay taken", "Check Stub: Sick pay balance(YTD)", "Employee hours: Vacation earned (YTD)", "Employee hours: Vacation taken (YTD)", "Check Stub: Vacation balance (YTD)", field to the form as a DBText field.  After the DBText field select the desired field from the drop down in the example below:

      • To add a description to a field, add a Label field.  The Label is placed on the form, and text is added by typing it into the Set Value box. An example can be seen below on how to add a label:
        A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generatedA screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Note: For any questions regarding tax laws, sick pay rates or limits for your state, consult your state employment advisor.

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