How do I estimate what the size of my SQL Database will be once I run Sage SQL Replicator?

You can estimate the size of your resulting SQL database by identifying the size of your PVData, SMData, and POIVData folder and your Global\master_qxm folder.

  1. Determine the size of your PVData folder, SMData folder (if present) and POIVData folder (if present) :
    • Start Sage 300CRE
    • Log in if Security is enabled
    • On the Select Company screen, note the path in the Location column and navigate to that directory.
      • The default locations are:
        • C:\ProgramData\Sage\TIMBERLINE OFFICE\Data from the server.
        • \\[SERVER]\TIMBERLINE OFFICE\Data from a workstation.
    • Right-click on the the PVData folder, select Properties, and write down the Size shown on the screen.
    • If present, right-click the SMData folder, select Properties, and write down the Size shown on the screen.
    • If present, right-click on the POIVData folder, select Properties, and write down the Size shown on the screen.
  2. Determine the size of the master_qxm folder:
    • Browse to the Global folder which can be found:
      • on the server at C:\ProgramData\Sage\TIMBERLINE OFFICE\9.5\Accounting\Global\PVData
      • from a workstation through the Timberline Office shared folder at \\[SERVER]\TIMBERLINE OFFICE\9.5\Accounting\Global
    • Right-click the master_qxm folder, select Properties, and write down the Size shown on the screen.
  3. Estimate the size of the resulting SQL Database:
    • Add the size of the SMData, PVData, POIVData folders, and master_qxm folders.
    • Multiply the total size of those Pervasive files (from the prior bullet) by 1.5. This is the estimated size of your SQL data folder after using Sage SQL Replicator.

Important: Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition has a database size limit of 10 GB per database. If the estimated size of the SQL database is 10 GB or over once replicated (step 3), you must use SQL Server Standard or Enterprise Edition for Sage SQL Replicator.

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