Sage Estimating SQL firewall ports


[BCB:3:Network warning:ECB]
[BCB:5:Third-party support:ECB]

Sage Estimating SQL uses the following ports:

UDP Ports:

  • 1433-1435, 5093, 6001, 7001

TCP Ports:

  • 25, 80, 137-139, 443, 515, 1583, 3351, 8101-8102, 11486-11488,1433, 6002, 7001, 7002, 8004, 8005, 50524, 50525, 62200-62600

A workstation will not be able to communicate with your SQL Server instance without these rules.

  • The SQL Server Database Engine service: Inbound Rule: Program: %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\ \MSSQL\Binn\sqlservr.exe
  • The SQL Server browser service: Inbound Rule: Port: 1433
  • Add SQL TCP Dynamic Ports: You can find this in SQL Server Configuration Manager

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