Installation freezes on Step 1 of 3 when _setup.exe needs to be run as administrator
  1. Reboot computer.
  2. If you downloaded the program directly from the website, the installer should be in C:\Sage\Sage50_20xx, where xx represents the year version.
  3. Locate your installer files.
    • Update downloaded through Check for Updates in the program: Press the Windows key plus the letter 'R' and type %temp% and then Enter. In the Temp folder the installer files should be in an RarSFX folder.
    • Update downloaded directly from the website: The installer should be in C:\Sage\Sage50_20xx, where xx represents the year version.
    • If you cannot find the installer, you may download it manually by going to
  4. Open the installation folder.
  5. Double-click Peachw folder.
  6. Double-click Install folder.
  7. Right-click _setup.exe.
  8. Select Run as administrator.

DocLink: Installation Instructions - Sage 50—U.S. Edition

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